Sunday, January 15, 2012

Swimming that Dark Sea

sculpture: Jason deCaires Taylor
I'm recycling an old poem today. I wrote it for Magpie #17 in June 2010, so I'm sure that everyone remembers it - right? Ha! The poem is about the gulf oil spill. Seems a long time ago, doesn't it?

Swimming that Dark Sea

Above would be nice.
I thrust a hand upward
through the murk,
the tips of my fingers
the knuckles of that hand
straining toward a fresh hope
I can’t quite reach.
Not quite.

And earth’s lamentations
cover me like
a familiar quilt
stitched together
by ancient creation
weeping, as it sews.


To read other watery Magpies, go here.


  1. nice...the weeping as it sews at the end is the emotional pull for me...sad we have in many ways forgotten the spill you know...

  2. Since I'm a new follower I haven't read this poem before, so I'm glad you reposted it. These sentiments are appropriate today, and are timeless.

  3. I'm so glad you reposted this as I was not participating in Magpie in 2010.

    I LOVE your cardinal. You can see why here:

  4. These are definitely words that need repeating. I promise to never forget. I still can't buy gas at a certain station's pumps. Even if I have to pay more and travel further to buy from a different refinery, I will, choosing always, when able, Marathon or Mobil.

  5. Beautiful and thought provoking, I attempted a watery tale myself this week.

  6. Excellent, excellent, excellent!

  7. Hey Bug,
    I love this poem about the oil spill.I would like to feel that one day we can reach the surface and climb out of the oil and the tar sands. I like that you offer fresh hope. Fresh hope is always welcome. Thank you for sharing.

  8. "Weeping as it sews"....this is a beautiful and somber poem Bug...i am glad you brought it back for The Mag....a powerful poem worth reading again and again!!

  9. weeping, as it sews.

    Beautiful! And is Carly a new puppy? She is adorable!

  10. very well done. I am always in amazement of people that can write stirs so much in peoples emotions. Great job.

  11. She surely would be weeping as she sews! thanks-

  12. Love the imagery in this piece.

  13. I love the quilt analogy...beautiful glad you posted this one again, Bug...

  14. Yes, I'm impressed by the quilt image along with the other images you have used.

  15. A beautiful lilt to the first two minds- never mind the quilt! :)

  16. Thank you for reposting this. Down here on the Gulf Coast, we haven't forgotten. We're still living with the consequences.

    One note re: buying gas. You never know where your gas is coming from. Mobil or Exxon may be selling from BP refineries. Fact of life.


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