Sunday, September 1, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Thirty-five

Here it is after 9:30 on Sunday night & I’m just now getting to my Project 365 post. I told Dr. M earlier that I’d used up all my creativity on my Facebook post earlier today – ha! So I imagine this will be short & sweet.
Sunday, August 25th
Big Sunny has been VERY attractive to bees. 

Monday, August 26th   
First day of teaching for the semester for Dr. M. He found some roses on campus.

Sunny Jr. is opening up now!

Tuesday, August 27th          
Our portraits from our church directory sitting.

Dr. M saw this fellow on his way home from school!

Wednesday, August 28th   
Big Sunny is fading fast.

I saw this thing flying around our flowers that I thought was a hummingbird – the wings were going really fast! But it didn’t move away when I came near so I decided that it must not be a hummingbird (plus I’d never seen a hummer with stripes). I called to Dr. M & he took these fabulous pictures of our very first hummingbird moth!

Thursday, August 29th
More flowers from school.

Friday, August 30th
I went to church to set up the altar. Our grounds crew has been doing a GREAT job on the grounds & I was able to see this little angel clearly for the first time since spring. Isn’t he cute?


Toad, looking balefully at Dr. M.

Saturday, August 31st      
Today I went to Indiana to meet up with some blogger friends – women that I have gotten to know through Project 365! I was so excited to get to finally hug these ladies in person. Thanks for a great afternoon Sara, Rita, & Kim! (And it was a nice bonus to get to meet Karen too!).

I loved the artwork on the walls, and Rita’s husband Mike’s pottery too (I got to pick a piece for myself which you will get to see later). And we had SUCH a feast! I was wishing that I could have eaten twice as much as I did. Ha!

On my way home I passed by a field with sheep & llamas – imagine that!

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. We get those hummingbird moths, too. They really do resemble hummingbirds. Sunflowers are so cheerful and I love the daisy pic. It makes me smile.

  2. Replies
    1. It looks like that doesn't it? It's fresh cucumber with vinegar, sugar & DILL. Very yummy!

  3. Last year I saw one of those hummingbird moths in my front yard...I had no idea what it was but by the time I got my camera it was gone. I had to google it to find out. you got some great pictures!!

    So great to see you F2F!!!!

    1. It WAS great - we'll have to do it again sometime.

  4. Very cool hummingbird moth. It's been a couple of years since I have seen one.

    1. Thanks, Ellen! We saw it again last night, just after sunset. Very cool!

  5. Wow, those are GREAT pictures of the hummingbird moth! Bravo! I would love to see one of those.

    1. Thanks, Steve! I think I had switched over to the Sport setting on the D5000, which prioritizes shutter speed and eliminates the annoying autofocus need to be "locked on" to something in order to take a pic. Kim Mason had told me she uses that setting a lot for birds in flight, etc., so I've been using it more often in recent months and am very happy with results. Hope you get to see one of these beautiful moths someday!

  6. I've never heard of or seen a hummingbird moth. Fascination. Take care and Happy Labor Day.

    1. Our neighbor had told me about them, Stephen, but I had never seen one. It is a fascinating moth! A friend told me that his grandmother called them "humming bees"...I can see why.

  7. Can The Bug's View get any better? I ask every time.
    Yes, indeed! With Dr. M's help too, of course.
    Stunning photos!

    Dr. M, next time you must come along and grill with the guys ;-)
    It was a wonderful day!

    1. I will make every effort to join in! I can burn stuff with the best of guys ;-)

  8. Yes, great pictures of the hummingbird moth! I remember I saw one once when we still lived in South Carolina; I had to google to find out what it was. I'm intrigued by its long, curly whiskers...

    And Dr. M, now I have to check out a possible sports setting on my camera. Funny how I'm always stuck on the same old familiar "aperture priority" setting.

    1. I know, right? Took me forever to try it. I like to compose, lock on, think about what I want to be in focus. But with fast movers, well, I get lots of blurred shots for every good one, and I am very good at hitting a moving target. The Sports setting helps a lot with birds, butterflies, and moths in flight!

  9. I've always wanted to see a hummingbird moth but haven't been so lucky. Great photographs!

  10. I must say that Dr. M has a devilish glint in his eyes in those church photos!

  11. I love that moth! I want one! Rather taken by the toad too. I like baleful.

    Church photos wonderful - I particularly like the way you picked opposite hands to prop up the chin.

  12. Replies
    1. We have had the most fun with them - but one does have to watch where one places one's foot in the evenings :)


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