Thursday, December 16, 2010

Anniversary Presents

Thanks to everyone for your fabulous well wishes. When I got home from work yesterday Dr. M had quite a surprise for me - flowers!! They're gorgeous! I actually got a little teary eyed when I saw them...

But  there was a surprise for Dr. M too - a lamb created just for him by Jinksy!! I had seen the lovely armadillo she made for Tess at Aerial Armadillo & had casually mentioned that she could probably make & sell such critters & one thing led to another & she made this gift for me! His name is Sammy, and you can imagine that he was quite well received by Dr. M.


  1. Awww... you two kids just ooze the love. :c)

  2. Hehehe!I'm just glad he made the journey safely, without needing to go into quarantine! LOL xx

  3. beautiful flowers. and a very cute sheep. Is that right? is there a singular for sheep?

  4. Very cute. Daisys are my favorite flowers, they look so good next to those beautiful roses. I love the well thought out gifts.

  5. How beautiful -- all of it, the lamb, the flowers, and the relationship. Congratulations!

  6. I adore lambs... & a home made one? AWESOMENESS right there!!!!

    I love Daisies... so perfect with roses... a little taste of elegancy with a "cozy, home-y" feel :)

  7. Psychedelic lamb! I love it!
    And what a nice guy.

  8. Okay, the lamb seals it. The cutest couple ever.

  9. Dear The Bug,
    Happy news! I would have teared up too. And the sheep is beautiful.

    And may it all just get longer and stronger,
    Ann T.

  10. Beautiful...! Happy anniversary...!

    I have been so busy, I haven't been able to visit my favorite blogs lately, so I have so much catching up to do...!


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