Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Heedless Childhood

Squinting into the sun
I take a rare philisophical
turn around my brain.
Careering down a snowy hill
on a wood & metal contraption
with rudimentary steering
isn’t taking a step back
in my life,
is it?
I’m not giving up
progress made
by charging down
this snowy hill
on an heirloom apparatus
where stopping is a pipe dream
or a drift of snow,
am I?
The snow, the hill, the sled
all hurl me into
heedless childhood
and, laughing,
I fling myself down
down down
until I can’t even
what a grownup is.

This is a One Shot Wednesday Poem and a Magpie. Please go to those two sites to check out other authors.


  1. I love that last line.." I can't even remember what a grown up is"...thankyou Bug.

  2. What wonderful memories, those were the days, adulthood never entered my mind, just snow, sledding, and lots of hot chocolate.

  3. Lovely. Excellent translation of the picture into poetic thought. Very good.

  4. ..I fling myself down
    down down
    until I can’t even
    what a grownup is...
    this is great - forget all the struggles and responsibilities...good place to be..

  5. all hurl me into
    heedless childhood

    A path I often take!

  6. A perfect picture of letting go--a poem to live by!

  7. And even if it is only a frame of mind, what a wonderful place to exist.

  8. be young again. What a great feeling.

  9. tis better to not totally ever ever grow up!

  10. This is absolutely brilliant, especially that last line! How infectious! Makes me want to forget about being an adult for a while too! :-)

  11. Love the traverse down the hill from philosophical to childlike.
    Nice to be reminded that we need to get back to the simpler things in life

    A nice One Shot

    Moon smiles

  12. And what could be more philosophical than risking it all for those few minutes kareening out of control on the white blanket layed before one.

  13. i love the thought of being hurled again to childhood, with that easy laughter...

    and i love the image too!

  14. Love it!
    Like the insight about losing progress made in hurtling down and sometimes just not caring and enjoying it!!

  15. What a wonderful state of mind to put adulthood aside!

  16. Oh yes indeed
    slide down that hill
    have fun
    forget about grownup things
    a wonderful magpie

  17. What fun! We adults had some good times in the snow as well! New Snow

  18. Dear The Bug,
    Oh, I love this! I hope you actually get a chance to play!

    You and C.L. are starting to convince me--it's definitely time to check out some of these memes. A way to get in touch with things not considered before.

    Ann T.

  19. You have captured the pure joy of playing in snow in winter

  20. Sledding can be transformational! No matter our age ..........

  21. Fun, fun, fun. Nice one shot. Love and Light, Sender

  22. a wonderful share with one shot..thanks for sharing pete

  23. The last line says it all so eloquently!...I love it! :-)

  24. Relatable, good work; the last line nails the sentiment of the poem.


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