Saturday, December 4, 2010

Project 365 – Week Forty-Nine

The theme this week is sheep and snow the Substance That Shall Not be Named.

Sunday, November 28th
Driving home from NC. Of course we passed a flock of sheep. Dr. M attracts them.

Monday, November 29th
Last Monday Dr. M took a picture of the sunrise, and here's another one. Any takers on the possibility that we'll get another one next Monday? Actually, that would be a sucker bet - it's supposed to snow so I'll bet there won't be a sunrise shot.

This one is on his way home. I love his pictures of the Mad River.

Tuesday, November 30th
Sigh. But bananas are FREE now!

Wednesday, December 1st
My brother's birthday! Read my tribute to him here. Dr. M took a picture of a sleeping penguin – or maybe it's prostrate with hunger? Dude – there's a Subway just across the road!

Thursday, December 2nd
It's still not a great picture (my camera batteries were dying), but here, at last, is visual proof that sheep like to eat on top of hay rolls. When I stopped the car & rolled down the window its head snapped around to stare at me. Sheep are very curious creatures.

Apparently donkeys are too…

Dr. M took this picture of our bird bath – poor little birdies, wandering around wondering where the water went…

Friday, December 3rd
Ducks on a pond in a park that Dr. M likes to travel through.

Dr. M knows that I'm a sucker for a picture of red berries against winter trees (click on the picture to make it larger).

Saturday, December 4th
It's snowing! I'm trying to be excited. And, really, since I don't have to be anywhere I'm ok with it.

I traipsed out into the snowy wilderness to get these rare bird shots. Martha Claus was not amused. Heh.

Go here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. What a nosey little lamb....certainly not camera shy!

  2. Our snow came, and then went away today, so maybe the UK will get back to some vague semblance of normality. We're never properly prepared for snow here. Love the mad river shot and the sheep on the hay roll.

  3. I read your post before I started taking out our Christmas decorations. I have creches from all over the world, and each time I took out a LAMB I thought of DanaBUG!

  4. Any time I need a nature fix, I just need to hope on over to your blog. ;) Love these pix! My girls want inflatable penguins for our front lawn. ha.

  5. I like the Substance That Shall Not be Named and your photos of the outdoors. I just love winter, especially looking at it through the window. :)

  6. What a great week of snow and sheep! Love their glowing eyes! :c)

  7. the picture of the river is beautiful!

    I am pretty impressed you are starting WWs DURING the holiday! Me, I'm just packing it on and will deal with it in January!!! :)

    The penguins made me laugh!

  8. Love the pics! Love those curious donkeys. Sweet.

    And I love the substance that shall not be named. We get precious little of the white stuff here. But I won't name it out of respect for you!

  9. So, what does it mean that Dr. M attracts sheep? What does that say about a person? :) That snow is NOT a welcome sight. Looks like it could melt though.

  10. love those pics of the nosey sheep and donkeys...the way they are turned around looking at you is funny! And that birdbath pic with all of the tracks is quite cute as well...poor birdies. Love seeing the snow but so glad I don't have to deal with it anymore!

  11. The sheep on the hay roll is priceless, and the Santa birds are a both cute and funny.

    And BANANA'S are FREE? No kidding?? As my 3 year old grandson would say, "Are you jokin' me? You are a fountain of useful information. I think I'll have a banana and peanut butter sandwich for lunch. Don't guess peanut butter and bread are free by any chance? No, I didn't think so.

    I can't tell you how often your blog gives me a good laugh. That's nothing to sneeze at. We all need a good laugh.

  12. I love the curious animals! They are too funny, like, really, you're taking a picture of us now?! Ha!
    Beautiful sunrise and river shot. I too have a feeling we won't be seeing very many sunrises for awhile :(, permacloud is setting in!

  13. I feel the same way about the Substance that Shall Not Be Named! Am praying that Christmas Eve doesn't arrive with a load of it since that's when we fly out.

    Your photos are great, but so is your commentary. Always leaves me smiling :)

  14. Argh! Sheep on roll at last!

    And I reckon the donkeys are posing...

  15. That sheep still makes me laugh.

    And the Substance That Shall Not be Named shots are pretty.

  16. Bananas are free on WW now??? i had no idea, that is good news if i'm reading this right! :D

  17. Dear The Bug,
    A banana used to count as two fruit servings! What changed in the darn banana?

    I love the Mad River. I think the sheep on top is a Watch Sheep.

    Have a great week,
    Ann T.

  18. The whole WW plan has changed - new points system & everything. ALL fruit is now free - BUT lots of things are higher in points now. They're trying to guide you to eat things that are better for you & less processed. So, bananas don't have points anymore. Woot!

  19. So good to see all of your (and Dr.M's) nature shots. I have been missing them and you!
    Martha is looking lovely in her santa suit.
    Those sheep are too funny.
    Have a super week!!

  20. Sheep butts and donkey butts and a penguin on its butt. ;)
    But, hey, great photos!
    But I'm thinking this should be Dr. M's 365 blog ;)

    Seriously, Dana,(if that is possible) I love your blog, and am honored when you visit mine!

  21. But WHY?! WHY do sheep like to eat atop a hay bale?! That's just weird.

    Cute donkeys, though.

    And that river pic is so serene...

    I hope you'll feel better about the snow. Christmas-y, even. (But honestly, I'm glad it's you and not me. LOL!)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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