Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday Morning Culture

Yesterday it snowed all day – very pretty – about four inches or so (I don’t know – I didn’t take a ruler out there). Therefore, this morning was this season’s first trying-to-find-the-optimal-speed-where-I-don’t-wipe-out-and-then-getting-behind-a-car-going-30-miles-per-hour-experience. It was a joy, let me tell you. Namby Pamby Driver. It’s my new favorite phrase, which is funny since I’m much less adventurous than I used to be. But come on – 30 mph on a mostly dry road? Pfft!

I emailed Dr. M to let him know that I arrived at work safely, and the following exchange ensued (it was about the fact that he was starving after graduation on Saturday & yet couldn’t manage to actually eat any food):

Dr. M: Among the dumb things I did on the way home Saturday was actually pull in to get my car washed! The line wasn’t moving, so I abandoned the idea. Of course I could have eaten some of my food while waiting. Sometimes…

Bug: Sometimes you remind me of Shelby from Steel Magnolias. Just drink the damn juice already! :)

Dr. M: Shelby! *tears up*

Bug: And don’t you go having any babies either!

Dr. M: I don’t know nuthin’ ‘bout birthin’ no babies!

See, we have culture in our house. Just throw in a Mummy or O Brother Where Art Thou reference (Do. Not. Seek. The Treasure.) and our repertoire would be complete.

Happy Monday! Don’t let the NPDs get you down.


  1. Love the references! Such little shared 'inside' jokes (and I think most people have them) link us to each other in wonderful ways.

    Gotta go... I hear singing down by the river!

  2. Thank you so much for this post, I am still laughing! :)

  3. The roads in Detroit are wretched today, but that's strictly word of mouth. I've not yet ventured forth. We got somewhere around six inches of snow, but it fell on top of slush and froze. Miserably cold here today.

    I will watch out for NPDs tonight.

  4. We have yet to receive our first significant snowfall here in Connecticut... just a few flurries now and then. But I hear you with that traffic issue. I drive a Jeep Liberty and just have to put it to good use every now and then. Be careful out there!

  5. I feel cultured just reading your post. ;)

  6. You two talk like my husband and I. We are always quoting lines from movies....or TV shows.

  7. I like how you two talk. :D

    I was namby pamby yesterday. But after almost sliding into cars in front of me twice, I wasn't about to go more than 30. I drove an hour on ice both ways to and from work, and it warn't fun. Thankfully Mister Teacher-Snow-Day had a very delicious dinner waiting in a toasty warm house. Phew!

  8. I see NPD - I think New Product Development - Namby Pamby Driver is a far funner phrase though, and it also describes me well

  9. I needed that laugh - a good old-fashioned belly laugh!

  10. @Eric Alder: We thought you was a toad!

    To the angels watching over The Bug: thanks for the NPDs! I can always count on you :-)

  11. OK, so when I read Namby Pamby, I thought of the Geico commercial!! Glad you arrived safe and sound just the same!

  12. hehe. you definitely up the fun factor with the

  13. the most annoying speed is the speed at which you can't change up gear or you'd slam into the car in front - but if you stay in your current gear much longer your car will clearly blow up

    I get terrible pavement rage - why cant doddery people doing 2 miles a month watch where there going???

  14. We had a little snow too. Just enough to be pretty.

    Your conversation cracked me up.

  15. Happy Anniversary, and this is hilarious!


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