Thursday, December 23, 2010

I’ll be Home for Christmas…

The other day in the car I was listening to "I'll be Home for Christmas." The version was so slow & the person singing it sounded so unhappy that it sounded like a dirge to me. I started adding commentary – "I'll be home for Christmas… whether I want to or not…" And, "you can plan on me… if you must…" and "where's Madeline Kahn when you need her?" I could totally hear her German chanteuse in Blazing Saddles singing, "Please have snow… but I'm tired, so tired…" Maybe you had to be there. 

This is not how I feel about heading home for Christmas – I like those people, in general.

Now that it's scant hours before Christmas I think I might be ready. It's likely that I'll be unpleasantly surprised. I've been keeping track of everything in my head & it's entirely possible that I'm missing a person or three. For those of you expecting something who may receive nothing – our annual poem is your gift! Along with 83 of your closest friends. And all the people in blogland. You just have to share. OK? 

Next year I'm going to be so organized. Really. Why, I've already put the calendar idea on my task list. It's right there on October 15th.

Dr. M and I have really appreciated all the Christmas cards we've received this year. Lots of them are beautiful, but my friend Jenny wins the prize this year with this lovely homemade card. Thanks J!

I probably won't be back here until next week, so to all of you who read these words – Merry Christmas! I hope you have the holiday you want.


  1. I purchased a total of ONE Christmas gift as we drew names at work. My family finally agreed we'd not stress ourselves with gift giving. Yay! I bought Sam a Blu-ray player and some movies as that's what he put on his list. Done. Nephews getting $$ to go towards whatever they want to get for themselves. Honestly, it's made Christmas SO much more enjoyable for everyone.

    A very Merry Christmas to you and Dr. M my friend!

  2. Merry Christmas, Dana, to you and yours! I wish you peace, quiet hearts and much joyful love. I look forward to spending next year with you here.

  3. The only thing worse than hearing someone sing that song slowly, is hearing Karen Carpenter singing it. That's just poor taste.
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. Look at that handmade card.. impressive!

    You have a Merry Christmas!!!

  5. Merriest of Christmases to you and Dr. M! I'll miss you while you're gone, and wish you traveling mercies. All will be well!

  6. Feliz Navidad!

    Go listen to Jose sing that and you'll be singing along in no time.

  7. Hi Bug, I left a comment on your other blog. please come by and visit me.
    Happy New Year, Fern

  8. Happy travels and Merry Christmas to you, my darling Girl, and to your Dr. M. I think of you both every day.

  9. Indeed! A very Merry Christmas to you and Dr M!


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