Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's a Good Thing you don't have to pay to read this...

I have a cold. In your world this is not earth-shattering, but I’m going to do my best to make it so. Because I do not suffer alone. This morning as I was getting ready for work I kept sneezing and at one point started singing, “blowing & blowing & blowing my nose, whooo-oooo whooo-oooo.” You know, after that witchy Halloween song we sang in school about stirring our brew. Or was that just my school? We did the big stirring motion when we sang it. And I was packing my lunch in the kitchen & sneezed so hard (which is a normal sneeze for me – I am not dainty) that the pans in the drawer below the oven rattled. I’m just glad I bought four boxes of Kleenex on Monday. I’m going to need them.

Here's something positive: I think I got a picture of a sheep on top of a hay roll! If it turned out I’ll post it in my Project 365 post on Saturday. Although a picture not turning out has not stopped me from posting it before.

Speaking of Saturday, we’re expected to get 1 – 3 inches of snow. Yesterday we had the kind of pretty snow I like – it didn’t amount to anything, but looked nice. If the snow is annoying on Saturday, I shall commence my usual winter whining. This is different from my fall whining about the fact that winter is coming.

I’m not really trying to warn you to not read my blog till spring. It just sounds like it.


  1. you have my deepest sympathies. snow...shudder, or is that shiver.

  2. Hope you feel better, soon.

    May I join you to provide harmony for your winter whining? I bet we'll sound great together.

  3. I've been MIA while getting our December newsletter out. I take it as a positive sign that it was only the first of the month when I finished it and sent it off to be printed!

    Anyway, I'm sorry you have a cold, and as far as I'm concerned, you can whine all you want. It makes me feel better when I whine on my blog.

  4. I'm sick to. Writing this from bed with thermometer and tissue box next to me. Does this mean I can blame you?

  5. No - I think you're sicker than I am so I get to blame you! :)

  6. Looking forward to seeing that sheep!!

  7. At least we're prepared for it now!!
    hope you feel better soon

  8. You have a cold AND you are getting woe is you.


  9. Oodles of sympathy from here. Just got rid of a cold myself. Hope you get better soon. We've had a few inches of snow here too. I once heard of somebody sneezing so hard they cracked a rib! Hope your sneezes aren't quite so dangerous.

  10. Dana, I'm sorry you're feeling icky. I had to take my son to the dr for some steroids for his poison ivy and the whole time were at the clinic I was saying "don't touch anything and don't let anyone breathe on you" and when we got home I was wiping down and washing everything. I hate it when we're well but we have to go where the sick people are!

    So I'll give you sympathy (HUGS TO YOU), but keep my distance. Love the blog world!

  11. "In your world this is not earth-shattering, but I’m going to do my best to make it so."

    You are hilarious. It is earth-shattering to us. Really.

    I can not wait to see a picture of a sheep on top of a hay roll! I hope it turned out.

  12. "In your world this is not earth-shattering, but I’m going to do my best to make it so."

    You are hilarious. It is earth-shattering to us. Really.

    I can not wait to see a picture of a sheep on top of a hay roll! I hope it turned out.

  13. Just your school...

    And get well soon!

  14. blow blow blow your what now? My sneezes are also very hard. And masculine. If one can have a masculine sneeze. Come hibernate. There's chocolate.


  15. We're predicted to get snow on the week end in Kentucky too. I am not wanting snow or cold, but we get it anyway. No one every listens to me! Whine.

  16. Wishing you better soon. I feel your sniffles, aches and pains. :(

  17. Oh my.... hope your nose doesn't get sore! Christmas music is on its way!

  18. Dear The Bug,
    I hate a cold. It's not the most serious illness, but I think that's part of its terrible-ness!

    Nobody ever wants to be around someone with a cold, but they also won't let them stay home from work. Just for instance.

    You feed a cold. Protein, against virus damage! Vitamin C! Hot tea with honey! And soft slippers and flannel gowns.

    Get well soon!
    Ann T.

  19. See - in England we get like two centimetres of snow and everything grinds to a halt :we just dont know how to deal with it

    stay home, stay warm -get well

  20. Feel free to whine away. As a 20-year resident of Wisconsin I understand your pain. Hope you can get back south to enjoy less snow and more sunshine.

    Take care of that cold.


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