Saturday, September 17, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Thirty-Eight

Well it turned fall here in Ohio – it’s just about time to break out my electric blanket. Hope you all had a good week – mine was pretty quiet, just the way I like it.

Sunday, September 11th   
A big anniversary today. Go here to read my story about it. Dr. M hit the hummingbird jackpot on this day. He posted these pictures to Facebook & I’m just going to use his captions. Pretty hummer!

Life is pretty good.

Sunday brunch at Chez Rhyne, yes?

I say yes!

That hit the spot!

Just going to top off the tank with some geranium…

I LOVE this place!

Monday, September 12th
This sunflower field is just about done. I wanted to have Dr. M take a picture of me standing in front of it so it looked like they were bowing to me, but we never made the time. Darn.

Full moon.

Tuesday, September 13th  
The Tax Time Pig remembers.

Wednesday, September 14th  
The State of the Bug. I finally dug out the earring that I lost in my car. It was surprisingly easy – I just moved the seat all the way up & there it was. Why I couldn’t figure that out in July is a mystery to me. I was really trying to capture my hair in this picture – I thought it looked really old fashioned the way it sort of drooped over my ears. But you can’t really tell. Just think Ma Ingalls.

Dr. M took a picture of a hawk he sees frequently. He’s named it Tecumseh because it hangs out around the historical marker for Tecumseh’s birth place.

This soybean field totally looks like fall, doesn’t it?

The neighbor told us about an albino squirrel sighting. He & Dr. M tracked it down so he could take some pictures – isn’t it cute? He put more pictures & talked about albino & white squirrels on his blog - check it out here

Thursday, September 15th        
Mom & kids.

This flower (snapdragon?) just spontaneously grew between the house & the hedge out front. Dr. M just happened to look back there the other day & saw it.

Friday, September 16th
We’re finally seeing some goldfinches pretty regularly.

Dr. M had a rough week. When he got home he put on this tshirt which reflects his feelings exactly.

Saturday, September 17th
Happy birthday Daddy! Your card is probably going to be late. Dr. M took a picture of one of our last daisies of the season.

Flags. It’s Constitution Day – did you know? Dr. M told me yesterday that it would be today, and yet when I was reading my “This Day in History” widget on my google homepage I announced to him, “Today’s the day the constitution was signed!” Um, yeah Bug, that would be why they call it Constitution Day.

We spent most of today up at the Piatt Castles. This year begins the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. The Castles are participating in the events being held as part of Ohio’s Civil War 150 commemoration. Today there were talks about medicine in the Civil War (I skipped that one), Ohio women in the Civil War (excellent), and a poet connected with the Castles who lived during the Civil War (Sarah Piatt – again an excellent talk). There were other exhibits & activities. And it was a beautiful day. We had a great time!

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!


  1. wow! your pictures are fantastic this week!!! the hummingbird pictures are amazing! what kind of camera do you use and what strength zoom?

    I grew up on Tecumseh ct...but in Arizona!

    and the albino squirrel...very cool!!

  2. Most of these photos were taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens, including hummingbirds, finches, the hawk, the albino squirrel, the deer, and the moon. We also take pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710, including the Tax Time Pig pic and most of the state of the Bug pics, as well as the pics from today's visit to Piatt Castles.

  3. I should note that our friend Jayne takes some amazing pics with her Canon DSLR. Can't remember the exact model, but she produces fantastic results. Of course, we crop our pics and sometimes enhance them with editing software, and this is where the 12 megapixel quality really shines. You can really bring out the detail of something that is only a small part of the original pic, like the hawk sitting on the wire or the hummingbirds.

  4. I like the birds, flowers and quirder pics, but find myself green with envy over that sentiments exactly.

  5. AMAZING hummingbird pictures!

    So funny...I thought about digging out my electric blanket this week too. I fold mine so its only on my side of the bed and put it under my sheets so they are warm when I get in.

    I think your hair looks pretty! Totally Ma Ingalls!

  6. Amazing bird sightings & albino squirrel! Never knew.
    I love the flowers too, the last daisy is a post card pic, and how I wish some "conejitos" grew in my yard. (Spanish for snapdragons, means little rabbits, which is cuter than dragons snapping, doncha think?)
    Love your hair pulled back and the ear ring. How do you take such good pictures of yourself?

  7. Really wonderful photos this week. thankyou!

  8. By the way I'm so encouraged to see you write that you crop and enhance...I do all the time but am in awe of people who don't seem to need to. Perhaps they just don't"let on" as we say in Ireland!

  9. Loved the hummingbirds. Dr. M did a great job. The albino squirrel was great too. I have seen only one before. I too want to know what kind of lens and zoom you use.

  10. An albino squirrel! How cool is that!

    Sorry about dropping 365, but *SIGH* I need to re-focus right now. Stop by once in a while and you'll still see updates, just not the daily ones.

  11. A fine crop(!) this week! The albino squirrel is very striking. And I really like the hawk.

  12. i was going through this post thinking "wow, that's a great shot, must comment on that one" until there were so many that i just couldn't chose. The bird in flight, the moon, the flowers...and of course Tax Time Pig :)

    And Albino squirrels! Just don't tell Herself...

  13. Those hummingbird pics are something.

    I was shocked by the albino squirrel. I've never seen one.

    The pig... nice.

    You guys outdid yourselves this week.

  14. you take the most amazing nature pictures.

  15. Hummingbirds are hard to get pictures of at least in my neck of the woods they are....they never hang around for that long...GREAT JOB!

    Love the albino squirrel!

    Have a great rest of the week!

  16. Your hair looks very chic that way.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...