Saturday, September 3, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Thirty-Six

Oh man we almost had a Tax Time Pig picture this week. Unfortunately I worked through lunch every day & the only opportunity I had to try was Friday after work & there was a car coming so the picture was blurry. He was Elmo most of the week, but then changed into a Labor Day outfit. Maybe he’ll still be wearing it next week when I go back to work. Sigh.

I went back to work this week. The first two days were pretty hard, but then I was all caught up & had a great rest of the week. On Thursday I spontaneously started walking without my cane for short spurts around the house. I’m doing great! Thanks so much for all the prayers & good wishes everyone.

Sunday, August 28th   
It’s the weekly squirrel! We really could have had a picture every day this week, but I’m only sharing a few.

Dr. M took some pictures of our garden – aren’t they great?

Monday, August 29th
Dr. M got a picture of the field of sunflowers he passes on his way to work. When Daddy, Amy & I drove by there last week there wasn’t even a hint of yellow.

The State of the Bug (one of, um, three this week). I snapped this when I pulled into the garage after my first day back to work. Whupped. Yep. It was a long day and I worked really hard. In retrospect I wish I had spread some of that work out throughout the week.

Tuesday, August 30th  
Dr. M & I sat out in the back yard. He took about a gazillion pictures, but I’m only sharing a few. Hummingbird!

Confab at the cement pond.

I think this house finch is a little confused – it’s on the wrong feeder.

Wednesday, August 31st  
Weekly woodpecker.

State of the Bug, Take 2. MUCH happier today. In this picture I’m taking a break in my car listening to my audio book.

State of the Bug, Take 3. Dr. M surprised me with the camera. It makes him laugh every time he sees this picture so I’m sharing it with you. You’re welcome.

Thursday, September 1st        
Dr. M got behind this interesting critter today. It’s an attachment for a combine to harvest corn. Looks like a giant stylized cardinal to me.

Our yarrow now has two colors. Interesting! And pretty.

Friday, September 2nd
I took this picture of the sunrise on my way to work. You can’t really tell in the picture, but the sun was humongous.

Dr. M took these gorgeous flower pictures.

Another squirrel picture – trying to make his great escape. “Is the coast clear?”

Saturday, September 3rd.
What ho! What's this? ANOTHER squirrel? You guys are so lucky...

Our gorgeous purple petunias – they’ve been so pretty this year.

This silly little goldfinch is on the wrong feeder. I think he & the house finch from Tuesday need a refresher course in appropriate restaurant food. Heh.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!


  1. Thank you for sharing your week of pictures. Those squirrels are so funny. Full of personalty!

  2. Our finches routinely eat at our larger sunflower seed chip feeder with the cardinals and bluejays and "WalMart birds" aka sparrows. And the house finches always eat the thistle at our finch feeder. We don't believe in labels and discrimination at the Dept. LOL.

  3. Glad you had a good week back at work. Loved the photographs.

  4. Haha, love State of the Bug! I hate when a ninja snapper gets a pic of me and I'm not ready for it. Some veerryy nice bird and squirrel shots this week.

  5. I always love your State of The Bug pictures. I usually judge any of me too harshly to post!

    Hugs & love,

  6. state of the bug 2 looks like someone i'd like to share a coffee with. State of the bug 1 - well, i'd be much more careful what i said :)

  7. your flowers are so beautiful!!! mine are actually starting to bloom again now that the heat is not burning them up!!! All my roses are blooming!!

    so glad to hear you are getting around better and better each week!!!

  8. So if the birds start evolving to eat the "other" seed, we'll know who started them down that path!

    Great photos, and even better news about you getting around!

    I love that combine attachment. It looks like a baby bird with the insistent, "FEED ME" mouth open!

  9. Love the squirrel pics!!! What a great week of squirrel visitors.

  10. I loved so many of these pics that I can't remember all of them. I loved the critter that Dr. M was behind. Why don't I see things like that for my blog. Loved the all the ones of you but my very favorite was the one of the all those birds at the cement pond. That is hilarious. I'm so glad you're doing well. That is wonderful!!!

  11. I miss squirrel. I see them when we walk at the park not to far from here but they don't venture over our way, we don't have enough trees I guess.

    I know you are glad to be getting back to normal after your surgery! That is always so wonderful!

    As always great week in pictures.


  12. I loved the hummingbird. They amaze me. The flowers were so was the sunset. I wish I could get a squirrel to pose for me like you do. The giant fake cardinal was interesting. It is amazing what you can find going down the road isn't it?

  13. hahaha I always love your running commentary :)

    Glad work ended on a high note this week, and you're getting around sans cane. But still, be careful not to overdo things!

    I think some birds will just flat eat anything... like some people I know :) Yes, that would be a finger pointing back at me. What can I say? I like food!

  14. that thing does look like a giant cardinal. it's metal bird art and it doesnt even know it!
    love the first couple squirrel pictures. they're so cute!

  15. Glad your are back to work but sorry you are so tired. . Great state of the bug pictures this week. :) Always love the squirrels.

  16. Squirrels, sunflowers, sun,
    and state of The Bug!
    Purples, yellows, greens,
    all beautiful and fun!
    And, oh, that lovely blue blouse
    and the silly smirk.
    Gracias, amiga Bug!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Three

You know, once snow stops falling it’s kind of annoying. Just FYI. Sunday, January 12th        Out back. One of these birds is not like the ...