Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Snippets

Today found me “darning” a hole in one of our bed sheets. We’ve had these sheets for probably 10 – 12 years now. It’s our only set & they have been worn to a lovely soft finish from repeated washings. I say “darning” because, you know those fine stitches that people use to sew up holes in things? Yeah, not so much in my house. That I would try to “sew” instead of going shopping for new sheets is yet another sign that I’m not much of a shopper. I don’t suppose someone could just drop off a set at our house could they? It’s a queen size, pillow top mattress. Thanks!

Our natural gas supplier came out to check our meter because they figured out that it wasn’t working. Apparently for a year because we got a bill with an estimate of what we owe for the last 12 months. Our monthly payment during that period of time wasn’t any lower than usual. Um, why is your equipment failure, which you didn’t notice for at least a year, a reason that I now have to pay you a big chunk of change? Don’t you know that I have a new set of sheets to buy & can’t afford this at the moment? Sheesh!

If this sounds pitiful (which upon re-reading it, yes, it does sound pitiful) I take heart in the fact that I’m not really loving the Nutella like I was afraid I would. I know! I’ve checked & I don’t have a fever. It just isn’t all that special to me. Now, if we were to add some marshmallow fluff then perhaps I would rethink my position. [Note: we won’t be adding any marshmallow fluff.]

Our Charlie Brown Christmas tree is still sitting in its corner. I’ve been contemplating ways to make it a Valentine’s Tree. What do you think? Would this work?


  1. I LOVE the Valentine's Tree!!! And you, my dear Bug. We'll sort it out...I'll put on my professional, soothing southern charm and deal with the gas company...and then we'll look for new sheets. Not sure how we wore these out so fast, though...*giggle*

  2. What a great way to get out of taking down the Christmas tree--convert it into a Valentine's Day tree!

  3. I'm waiting to see if the new Penney's store will sell my favorite Sealy sheets. They're soft as a baby's behind with deep, deep sides so the don't flop off my mattress and were already reasonably priced. I got the catalog today so perhaps I should have a look-see.

    You aren't the only one with one set of sheets only I'd likely be too lazy to fix a hole. Scouts honor.

  4. Hmmm. Maybe knitting a patch would work though...

  5. We have a whole TWO sets of sheets and I couldn't darn anything if my life depended on it. It's amazing how companies can make their problem your problem - they do it over here too. I love the Vaentine's tree!

  6. It's so funny that you write this -- one of my old friends mentioned on Facebook that she'd just turned her Christmas tree into a Valentines tree. I've never heard of this -- is it some kind of trend, or are you two just on a wavelength??

    We're in pretty much the same boat re sheets. We have one set I bought at Target about two years ago, and other odds & ends that Dave has owned for about a decade. That one set from Target is getting a little tiresome.

  7. So the gas comapny sent you an "estimate" of what they think you owe for the past 12 months? So why not send them an "estimate" of what you're gonna pay for the past 12 months?

    My mother was "sewing challenged", too. I remember once my dad complained he had a hole in one of his pants pockets, so pulled the hole together into a little ball and put a couple of staples in it. She was actually proud of her handiwork. Dad, not so.


  8. Why in the world didn't I think of staples! If you could see the scar that my sewing inflicted on the sheet you'd agree that staples would be MUCH better.

    Actually, my first idea was to use duct tape :)

  9. I'm ashamed to admit it but I love the Valentine tree, too.

  10. Old sheets are the best! We go with holes in ours for ages.

    WE had the same feal with our water meeter last year, and managed to talk someone into a partial rebate. Better than nothing!

  11. Al Gore invented the Internet for people who don't like to go shopping. Order online and they will indeed bring it to you.

  12. I love it when sheets get to that butter-soft stage, and would totally fix any holes so I could keep using them :) It's like breaking in a pair of shoes... you go to all that trouble and you just don't want to be bothered for a looooooong time to have to break in another pair.

    I think you should work a little statistical magic to show the gas company they are way off, and they actually owe YOU money :)

    I just don't get the Nutella craze. Tried it and didn't much care for it. But then I'm also one of the weird folks that, while I am ok with eating dulce de leche occasionally, I don't want it on every pastry or dessert! Which is what we get here in Argentina. I honestly can't think of anything I'd want on a regular basis, unless it's some form of chocolate!

  13. There used to be a product called "Stitch Witchery" that fused the areas together. Love the Valentine tree and I can see a great future...St. Patrick's Day Tree, Easter get the idea.

  14. I think a Valentines' Tree is perfectly acceptable!



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