Saturday, October 20, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Forty-Two

It was another seriously gorgeous week in our part of Ohio – our trees have been so beautiful this fall. Dr. M has two posts on his blog that you should check out. Go ahead – go here and here & then come back. (Here is where you imagine hold music while my post waits for you to come back). [Note: if this sounds familiar, it’s mostly the same intro from the last TWO weeks – ha!]

Saturday, October 13th

Sunday, October 14th
The volunteer maple tree in Pinky the Geranium’s pot is changing colors. It’s almost time to prune everyone back & bring them inside.


Monday, October 15th   
Fall in our Ohio.

The squirrels are nutty!

Campus deer.

The roofing supplies arrived! [Please note – this is Monday. They didn’t come to start on the roof until Friday, & they finished on Saturday.]

Tuesday, October 16th  
Birds on the wing.

Wednesday, October 17th    
Shag Bark Hickory & Sweet Gum Trees

Thursday, October 18th        
Hold onto your seats everyone, this is gonna be a long one! First of all, The State of the Bug – I am this | | close to chopping off those bangs!

Fall is winding down here in Ohio. Lots of leaves on the ground.

Of course, there are still a lot of leaves on the trees!

And a buffalo.

And the moon!

Friday, October 19th          

This evening as I was leaving church (Church Lady Altar Guild Duties) I saw this black squirrel eating berries.

Dr. M volunteered to make coleslaw for his college’s homecoming tailgate party. It’s a vinegar based slaw – perfect for the pulled pork sandwiches we were going to have (if you like coleslaw which I do NOT). It was a big hit, but those pictures are for another week.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. What are those round yellow things that look like tennis balls?

  2. These, Stephen:

  3. I love your pictures of fall. We have no fall here so I'm just having to live the season through you.

  4. Love the black squirrel!

    I also like the way you tile your photos -- presumably in a picture editing program, before posting them? Looks great, and what a great way to post lots of pics without making the post too long.

    I love cole slaw!

  5. i'm really loving your tree shots at the moment - great colours but you also frame them really well

  6. Steve - I use PicMonkey - a fee web based program - to make collages & edit the pictures. I love it!

    DTFP - I agree, Dr. M IS a good photographer!

  7. the fall colors are beautiful. too bad they are so short lived.

  8. That gold ginkgo tree (at least that's what I think it is) on Monday, Oct. 15 is gorgeous and your moon shots always slay me.

  9. Yes, ginkgo! The town of Yellow Springs has a number of them. And thanks...I love shooting the moon :-)

  10. The squirrels look so intent this week. Making preparations for winter I think!


  11. gr8 shots! as always
    heard a story this week that we/Georgia have 8-12 squirrels per acre due to the overgrown acorn crop this year...geez! that's a lot of squirrels
    my girl cute her bangs and she loves them
    that's a very good pic of you, girly!

  12. Simply stunning!! Its just gorgeous here, too and its hard to take it all in. When I'm driving around, I want to pull off and take a picture every mile or so. :)

    I swear those squirrels have personlity!

  13. The colors are beautiful. I love autumn.

  14. Your fall pictures are beau-ti-ful!!!!

    Have a great week.

  15. Once again, gorgeous pics!
    The deer are stunning.
    When I make LBJ Ranch cabbage slaw it is a hit. Looks like same recipe.
    We have black squirrels here too.
    Bangs or no bangs, good either way. What is more versatile?

  16. As usual I loved all the shots. What were those green things in Monday's pics. The coleslaw looked yummy...I love vinegar based slaw...I am not a big mayo fan. The autumn shots were my favorites this week. They were gorgeous. We are not there yet...but then I am further south.

  17. Love the landscape photos! Do you have to use a special lens to get those? I'm SOOOO enjoying your fall photos!!!

    Pretty amazing how fast the professionals can get a job done, isn't it?! At least in the U.S. Here, not so much :) A big part of that is that the style of construction is so different, but also that power tools are almost non-existent so things just take a lot longer to do. Es lo que hay. Glad you have a nice new roof to see you through the winter!

    Hope you're having a great week!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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