Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Miscellany

The other day I was getting ready to pull into our driveway when I noticed (not for the first time) the different decorating philosophies in our neighborhood. Behold,

A Tale of Two Houses

Here is our house, a nice fall spectacle:

And here is our neighbor's house, a veritable smorgasbord of Halloween gruesomeness:

Yikes! Are those Dementors hanging from the gutter? 

Yesterday I thought it would be fun to wear my Carson Palmer Bengals jersey to run errands. Here's my Facebook status from yesterday afternoon:

I would like to apologize to my friends who are Bengals fans. The score was 14-14 when I put the shirt on. By the time I'd gotten my oil changed they had lost by 10 points. To a team that hadn't won a game all year. My power to jinx a team is much bigger than even I had thought.



  1. I much prefer your decorations....but then Halloween is my least favorite holiday!

    Have a great week!

  2. My amazement and dismay at Halloween decorating is well-documented by now. I'll refrain.

    Browns v. Bengals--this NEO girl thanks you. Or maybe not since now all I will hear is how this is the Beginning Of The New Browns/The Upswing/The Start Of Something Big...yadda yadda yadda.

    Honestly, football. I am so bored by it, all its stops and starts and clock management baloney. Bring on basketball.

  3. So YOU were responsible for the outcome of the game?

  4. Your home looks like real, nice people live there. Your neighbors....not so much.


  5. Thank goodness my Packers sweatshirt was on alert last night.

  6. As Mies van der Rohe said, "Less is more."

  7. You are cracking me up. First of all, your mums are so pretty, and your neighbor's house is quite the scary place.

    Now, you must STOP rooting for the Yankees. You've done quite enough damage, don't you think? :) How about cheering for Detroit tonight! Although, I'm afraid even your support of Detroit will not be enough to save the Yankees.

  8. Why on EARTH would I want to save the Yankees? Oops - no, I meant, Go Yankees!

  9. LOL Heartless!!! Next year. :(


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