Saturday, October 27, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Forty-Three

I guess you could say that the pretty part of fall is winding down – there are a LOT of leaves on the ground now – but as you’ll see, there are still a lot of gorgeous trees out there. It was really warm this week – in the 70s a few days – but now we’re back to more seasonably cool & rainy days. I’m starting to feel slightly nest-ish. Why, I might even vacuum the floors this weekend!
Saturday, October 20th
Dr. M’s school is trying to make homecoming more of a celebration by having people come early & “tailgate” (no actual tailgates were involved – we had a tent). His college decided to do NC barbecue – pulled pork, homemade sauces, coleslaw (you saw that in last week’s post) & baked beans. I do believe we were a hit – certainly the best smelling tent around! Here is his colleague who smoked the pork – he is a most excellent cook!

The committee in charge of the tailgating thought they’d be cute – it’s supposed to be the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences – ha!

There was a zip line – the college mascot decided to participate.

On our way home we took the scenic route. It was almost like we were saturated with gorgeousity – too much appreciation going on to take pictures. But we got a couple.

When we got home the roofers were putting the finishing touches on the roof – we timed it just right!

Sunday, October 21st  
Everybody gets a bath on Sunday whether they need it or not!

When I got home from church I saw this blowing in the breeze on the garage roof. Apparently the workers took the warning seriously!

The moon!

Monday, October 22nd    
Dr. M saw some critters on his way home from school. Imagine that!

Flower hanging on.

We voted after work. It’s kind of cool to live in a state where our vote really does count! Now, let’s just hope our people win. Heh.

Tuesday, October 23rd  
Today is all about lovely autumn. I especially love the picture Dr. M took with the trees reflected in the water. Dr. M posted more pictures of this day here.

Wednesday, October 24th    
Leaves on a sidewalk.

I don’t know why inflatables make me smile so much – these ones are definitely contagious!

The Tax Time Pig is under that sheet somewhere!

I’ve made a bluemillion of those pink & yellow dishcloths (bought two giant skeins of the yarn for cheap), so today I decided to get some new colors. My stack is getting taller!

The moon!

Thursday, October 25th        
More pretty trees.

I saw this truck on my way home.

Friday, October 19th          
Pinky in the rain…

The State of the Bug. My bangs are out of control! They have a life of their own & I might have to trim them just a bit to show them who’s boss. But I’m still going to try to grow them out.

Dr. M made a peanut butter chocolate chip pound cake for the benefit I talk about here. We didn’t get to eat any cake, but I got to lick the bowl – yum!

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. I think those cows were staring at me...

  2. Such gorgeous trees and mirthful pumpkins. Lots of colourful pictures on your blog today.

    I always know when my bangs are too long if I start getting mascara on them.

  3. That first critter looks like a llama to me.

  4. The tax pig died and is now a ghost? How did he die? Any bacon left?

  5. I just love all your pictures of the fall colors.

    LOL at the "low-flying people" sign!

  6. The "tailgate" looks like fun - and the food sounds awesome! The trees are so pretty.

    Poor tax pig. Doomed to haunt this world :).

  7. those trees are gorgeous fer sure. don't really get to experience that here but I'll give up showy leaves for no snow. love you week in pictures posts.

  8. Dr. M surely seems to attract the cattle, doesn't he? I always love your week.

  9. Wow...all of your fall tree photos are really beautiful....especially the one on the road.

  10. Love the tree pics. I keep meaning to get a few shots, they've been exceptionally pretty this year. J and I have the day off tomorrow and we're going to vote. First time we've voted together- ever!

  11. Beautiful trees -- and YAY for voting! I love the truck. Is Marvin the Martian the school's mascot? :)

  12. the tuesday shots of the trees are my favourite

    Nice to see TT Pig - well, sort of see him anyway :)

  13. Outstanding fall shots this week. Just beautiful!

    I never tire of the tax time pig, love his costume!


  14. Tax Time pig always delights me. The tailgating idea looked like so much fun. I loved the fall road shot and all the other fall photos. It has not been that pretty here. We have had some freaky weather. That sweet little lamb was precious. Looks like your week was phototastic as always. I so look forward to your photo journal. I wish I could make those dish clothes. Yours are so colorful and pretty. I can't crochet or knit. I have nine bazillion thumbs and it does not work. Sigh!

  15. What a fun week you've had! The pig cracks me up every single week!

  16. shutUP! Thos fall colors are SO pretty!!!! We don't get that here. We just go green to brown. :-/
    I'm having season envy, excuse me.
    Love the tax pigs costume!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...