Saturday, October 6, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Forty

It was a seriously gorgeous week in our part of Ohio – those trees were really showing their stuff. Dr. M has three posts on his blog that you MUST read. Go ahead – go here and here & here & then come back. (Here is where you imagine hold music while my post waits for you to come back). He took 199 pictures this week – you’ll be glad to hear that I’m only using a small percentage of those. Oh, and the TWO that I took (I’m not using any of the pictures from my Fall post a few days ago).

Saturday, September 29th
We took a little ramble today to check out the fall color. I think we found some!

And sheep – staring at Dr. M.

And then Dr. M took some pictures of our flowers.

And the moon!

Sunday, September 30th
More of our flowers – our yard is still so pretty!

The moon! Isn’t it spooky looking?

Monday, October 1st   
Pictures from Dr. M’s commute.

Look at the ears on this cow! And the little baby is so cute…

Tuesday, October 2nd
Our neighborhood albino squirrel.

Wednesday, October 3rd    
More gorgeousity.

Thursday, October 4th        
The State of the Bug. I’m growing out my bangs. Anyone care to start a pool as to how long I make it before I chop them off again?

Further gorgeousity.

Friday, October 5th          
Love this purple aster…

I’ve been eyeing this tree all week – I finally stopped & got a picture.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. All are pretty, but I was fascinated by the albino squirrel.

  2. I checked out Dr. M's place. Absolutely beautiful over there. So is this place. Love the sheep. I think Dr. M has an admirer.

    That albino squirrel looks a little like his cousin, the lab rat. Yikes.

    That last pic you took of the yellow and green tree is so pretty. Things are beginning to change around here but we aren't as far along as you.

    Hang in there with the bangs.

  3. Some seriously beautiful pics there! (Yes, I am taking a break from writing about property tax abatements. Why do you ask? :)). A lot of them would make really nice pictures to hang up in an office or living room, too.

    The sheep cracks me up. It reminds me of the Animal Sanctuary of the Damned that the SU and I visited in Alaska :).

    And nice bangs! :)

  4. I have never seen an albino squirrel up close and personal! Lucky you!

    There is some serious gorgeousity going on in this post, including your State of the Bug photograph. That's a lovely picture of you!

    I know what you mean about growing out the bangs, but seriously, Dana, you will be able to tuck them behind your ears by the first of the year. Don't give up hope!

  5. I'm betting the bangs don't last into Wednesday of next week.

    Just saying.

    RE: shedding. Rick and I both are shedding like crazy. His hair is veeeery long (midway down his back) and silvery, so our bathroom is becoming festooned with it. Mine is just starting to grey, so add my shoulder-length almost-black hair, and can you imagine how I hate cleaning the sink and tub? AAARRGGHHH!

    I am just back from a trip west (to Springfield, IL). The color was lovely along the way. Fall certainly is gorgeous this year.

  6. Love the fall colors, both on your and Dr. M's blog!

    On the bangs, all I can say that I tried that once. Most wasted six months of my life!

  7. All I have to say is WOW!

    Just awesome color in your part of the country!

    Great pictures this week, Dr. M has a great eye for pictures!


  8. oh my word, the pictures of the trees are gorgeous!!! I love the 2nd one and the last one!! beautiful!!!

  9. The Albino squirrel is rapidly becoming a star here - but the trees are fantastic and the shot of the moon is perfect

  10. I LOVE Fall and your pictures made my week. Thank you so much for sharing them.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...