Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Almost Wordless Almost Wednesday

I did some drive by shooting on my way home from work today...

I love my commute these days :)


  1. You are fortunate to have some pretty scenery to drive through, and so much looks pretty at this time of year.

  2. Ooooohhhhh....I love your commute these days, too!

  3. Wow, you've got quite a bit of color there already! I thought our leaves were turning here, but compared to yours we're still very green. Europe doesn't get quite the same leaf show that America does, though, I think because of all your maples.

  4. that last tree is particularly picturesque

    The other day i had a long train commute. the person opposite me sat watching some TV show on their I-pad the entire time and missed all the rolling scenery as it shot past.

  5. isn't the colour on that last tree just magic...whoever thought of making that happen in the autumn just when we need some extra beauty?!!!

  6. Ahhhh, look at that. Pretty! This time of year is so vibrant.

  7. The last picture was the best because I was stopped at a red light so I could roll the window down. And also because the trees along that stretch of road in town are GORGEOUS. I don't get to drive by them every day, but yesterday I was taking my friend Joanne to dinner so I got to travel that road. Lovely.

  8. I love the colors of this season.

  9. Last trees were my favorite. I too am loving my commute right now. The scenery is amazing.


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