Sunday, November 25, 2012


photo source here


Like Edith Ann
in her oversized chair,
I blurt whatever
is on my mind.
I offer shallow confidences
until I am unmysterious –
until you drop your
headlamp and harness
and settle by the fire
at the mouth of my cave.

This is a Magpie Tale.


  1. You had me right away on this...enjoyed.

  2. Very interesting take on Tess's prompt.

  3. Till i am unmysterious. that hit home

  4. i like you're pome, but found the clip a bit weird

    Bert & Ernie for President - that's all i'm gonna say

  5. Hadn't thought of Edith Ann for yers - thanks.

  6. Bug! How perfect, utterly delicious! Bringing back fun time memories ...

  7. fun indeed and thanks for sharing your words

  8. Oh Edith Ann! Haven't thought of her for years. My take on your piece is rather dark...I like it...

  9. Edith Anne (in the chair)! That took me back!
    The poem said stuff to me that I hesitate to relay... Mmmm.. maybe it is just me.

  10. HEH HEH I loved the accompanying video, too - especially the raspberry at the end!

    The sandwich sounded like the occasional ones I used to slip in besides the rest for hubby's fishing trips.......☻!

  11. Well Stafford, actually late at night after I had posted the poem I started thinking probably the same things you did. And blushed mightily (or maybe it was a hot flash). Ha!

    It is kind of a dark piece - in that I'd just as soon keep people from getting to know the real me.

  12. The video of Edith Ann was a great one and a perfect response for the prompt with the big cozy chair. I thought the title of your poem truly reflected the spirit of Edith Ann and her sandwich with so many layers revealed and eventually becoming unmysterious. Thank you for sharing.


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