Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Good Ship Sense Has Sailed Without Me

Squall, 1986, by Andrew Wyeth

Words slide wildly
across the bow –
cascading into the
roiling sea before
my ears can snatch
their meaning.
Clutching “I” and
“not” and “idiot”
I stumble over my
line of reasoning
and fall over the side,
swamped by waves of logic.

This is a Magpie Tale.


  1. this is a great read! We have all been here from time to time!

  2. Funny idea so well done!
    I sometimes think I am board but then I feel the shock of cold water know I am not.

  3. Love this one, Bug. I believe it's one of my faves.

    "swamped by waves of logic"

    I hate it when that logic hits me in the face. It is like a "roiling sea." I rather enjoy delusion these days.

    You just get better and better at this.

  4. Very good. I hate getting washed overboard.

  5. Your words perfectly echo the erratic perspective of the painting.

  6. yes.. and i have felt this way enough times to get it.:)

  7. ha some creative fun in this...but i agree we have all been there....

  8. Excellent.

    A perfect poem for every poet.


  9. The last six lines are wonderful. I like them lots!

  10. A perfect, PERFECT metaphor! (and I already have four dogs... you side bar puppies just kill me :)

  11. Gurgle gurgle glug glug.....been there done how you captured it so differently Bug!

  12. I'm forever tripping it seems! Yikes! Enjoyable indeed!

  13. I like your take on this. The title made me smile too.


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