Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday

My Facebook statuses for the past week...

November 8: Today I'm thankful that I have a three day weekend. I'll be spending most of it on church stuff (Diocesan Convention tomorrow & Saturday & church on Sunday), but at least I'll be in a different venue from work :)

November 9: Today I'm thankful to be in a giant room full of Episcopalians!

November 10: Today I'm thankful that there are Episcopalians in the world - my brand of crazy fits right in...

November 11: Today I'm thankful for the opportunity to be an introvert after being around so many people this weekend!

November 12: Today I'm thankful that Dr. M purchased his own birthday dinner & cake - it was great sweetie! (His birthday is tomorrow, but he needs to spend the evening doing school work, so we celebrated tonight)

November 13: Today I'm thankful for the presence of Dr. M in my life. Sometimes I'm amazed at my good fortune in finding him - and in actually recognizing that I needed to keep him! Happy birthday dear heart .

November 14: Today I'm thankful for music in my life.

(Um, yes, I was practicing our choir anthem while driving to work this morning.)


  1. HAHA!! When we have church programs & I'm singing - that's exactly how I practice too - music right there on the steering wheel :)

  2. ...AND taking a picture. Yikes! You must be a far more...confident driver than I am.

    Do the other Episcopalians know that you just called them crazy?

  3. Loved this made me laugh out loud....fortunately it is my planning my room is empty.

  4. smiles...great to see the good doc on that list...and so did you enjoy your new venue?

    thanks for your words today ma'am...smiles.

  5. Music is something I don't make enough time for in my life. I need to try harder.

  6. Nance - since a lot of people who go to church with me are Facebook friends, yes they DO know I called them crazy. They really can't deny it :)

  7. Another friend of mine is doing these Facebook posts too. (Well, different expressions of thankfulness, obviously, but the same daily posting.)


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