Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Thursday

My Facebook statuses for the past week...

November 15: Today I'm thankful that I often don't remember all the details in books I read. I started listening to the first Harry Potter book again this week & it's like it's a brand-new book!

November 16: Today I'm thankful for the pizza that we're about to eat :)

November 17: Today I'm thankful to live in a world where brown geese & white geese can live in harmony...

November 18: Fasten your seat belts folks, it's gonna be a long one...

Today I'm thankful that our Thanksgiving Quodlibet went well - & apparently the altos (all two of us) shone.

I'm thankful that at church today Jack said that there can't be any deviants in our church because no one is normal.

And most of all, I'm thankful for the poem that Mother Lynn shared at our stewardship feast after church:

Because I am connected to the vine, I am connected all the people I love a planet of immeasurable beauty and fragility a woman bending over a cooking fire in Kenya my own life my neighbor barbecuing on a summer day a child dying of hunger in Africa the soldier teaching a young boy to play a polar bear drowning as the ice melts around him refugees fleeing genocide the murderer of an innocent victim a family celebrating a new birth the dishonest politician a woman feeding her neighbor's family a church connecting with a world for whom they will be the heart and hands of Jesus Christ.

I am the vine, you are the branches... John 15:5

November 19: Today I'm thankful that the dream I had last night where I was trying to text and walk at the same time was not true. I kept running into things & ended up out in the rain at some point.

November 20: Today I'm thankful that Dr. M’s uncle Barry is showing some improvement & that we'll get to see him tomorrow!

November 21: Today I’m thankful that I'm heading to my old home state to be with our families for Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


  1. We all have so much to be thankful for. We just need to look around. Hope you and Dr. M have a wonder Thanksgiving.


  2. Beautifully written and very true.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the family.

  3. Like Auntie Mane said, "Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death." Life is truly a banquet and most of us have so much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Hope your day brought you all you hoped for!

  5. we don't celebrate it here - but happy thanksgivings nontheless


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