Saturday, November 24, 2012

What Does This Mean To You?

Hint: Despite what an Ohio driver driving on, say, Route 42 south between Xenia & Lebanon might say, it doesn't mean get in the left lane & stay there.


  1. It means the guy who painted the sign had a 3-martini lunch. :)


  2. doing a post on that. it's one of my pet peeves but probably not what you think.

  3. It's not the steps to the Hokey Pokey is it?

    It's for your viewing pleasure. It means you are on a divided highway where the division (the on coming lanes) have not been visible to you. You couldn't see the oncoming lanes. Further up the road the missing half of your divided highway will be coming into view.... for your viewing pleasure.

    Frankly, it's better scenery when you don't have to look at the other half of the highway. This is what it means in Canada, if you are ever driving here.

    Funny post, Bug. =D

  4. It's a nasty sign: the crooked line is saying to the other one, "Get bent!" Not a nice saying and I'm surprised you'd pollute your otherwise tasteful blog with this rubbish. Just kidding.

  5. This sign is for all the more important people to get in the left lane, drive past all the slow cars in the right lane, and then force their way into the right lane - way ahead of all those suckers they passed.

  6. Merge, I think? (It's been a while since I've driven!)

  7. I means left lane ends & Ms. Pixel has it right except for one part - where I live apparently they think they're in the correct lane & won't merge with the traffic in the right lane. They just stay put & annoy the heck out of me :)

  8. It's a suggestion to begin speeding and race everyone else on the road to the point where traffic will bottleneck.

  9. Pixel and Rudee--Yes! Hate that. I had a friend who used to do exactly that. I called her on it once and she said, "Oh, some poor sucker will let me in!"

    I almost smacked her.

  10. Drunk road-painters in operation?

    Why does no one indicate where they're going anymore, that's what i want to know


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