Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday

My Facebook statuses (statusi?) for the week...

November 22: I think I'm going to have multiple thanksgivings today. The first one is getting to sleep in a bit and having turkey & rice & apple pie for breakfast. Ha!

I can't believe I'm saying this, but what a gorgeous Carolina Blue sky we have today!

It was so nice to have our traditional Wallace Thanksgiving dinner :)

November 23: Today I'm thankful that I don't like to shop :)

November 24: Today I'm thankful that I got to eat some NC BBQ with Dr. M's dad. Yum!

November 25: Today I'm thankful that we made it home safely after a beautiful drive.

November 26: Today I'm thankful for an extra day off so I can do laundry :)

November 27: Today I'm thankful for the Christmas spirit that seems to sneak up on Dr. M every year. Yesterday he surprised me with a Norfolk Pine & today I came home & saw that he'd put up our Christmas flag, door hanger & window lights. Thanks sweetie!

November 28: Today I'm thankful for the giant orange orb who accompanied me home from work today...



  1. Every day, I am thankful for you. ((()))

  2. I am thankful that you can remember to post what your thankful about each day.....not happening here. I am thankful about many things, however remembering to post daily...not so much!


  3. There truly is so much around us to be thankful for. You're a good reminder of that.

  4. Oh, that Stephen. He has a gift for words. And observation. I concur.

  5. That moon was stunningly beautiful last night. I was thankful I was seeing a patient who lived on a lake. I parked my car to watch it rise over that black expanse of water. Yes I was 10 minutes late for my appointment because I gave myself permission to witness such beauty. I hope that family forgives my white lie that I'd been delayed by traffic. Nature's traffic.

  6. I saw that moon driving up to Glasgow last night when I just came out of the hills that divide me from the motorway. Had to stop the car too.

    And mmmmm sauces. Thankful for sauces.

  7. i saw the big moon on my way out of work in the morning - but was unable to take a picture. What was odd today was how much it had shrunk again


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