Friday, November 2, 2012


We use this program at work to keep track of legal matters and it makes me smile every time I log in. See?

This one's for you Bren!

These are the pictures I would have liked to get when I was on that photo safari in Zambia.

It's Friday! We made it! Or don't you feel like you've won some kind of bizarre race when you reach the end of the week?*

*Retired persons need not respond. Heh.


  1. I was loading up Muffinhead in the car so she and mom could go on their merry way. I blow my daily kisses and say "See ya..." ... pause for a brief second to think, do I say tomorrow or next week...

    "It's Friday right?"

    I think I need a bit of a weekend rest!


  2. I've come to look forward to Thurdays: pay day. After that, Friday is a bonus!

  3. Hey, I'm retired and I STILL like Fridays.

  4. I've been self employed for twenty years and the days of the week long ago lost their meaning. I'm beginning to lose sight of the months.

  5. To me Friday is the FIRST day of the weekend. Needless to say my Friday PM productivity is rather modest. *ahem*

    Have a great weekend. :)


  6. What a great idea, to have such beautiful pictures on software you use for work. It's like getting a pep talk!

    For me, Thursdays are the new Fridays. Now that I'm working part-time, I'm off on Fridays. Did I mention I love my new job?

  7. I love those photos! Amazing! It must be so great to have those pop up on your computer screen at random. I especially like the zebras.

    Fridays are not as significant to me now that my work schedule is so much more flexible -- except that I'm not on call because there's no school the next day. So I can turn off the "bat phone" as we call the emergency substitute request line!

  8. being self employed I'm just as likely to work Sat and Sun and take days off during the week. but back when we had employees and kept a more normal work schedule, yah, Fridays were the best.

  9. Me thinks I like the Zebra photo best.

    I do like Fridays! I like every 4th Saturday better. I am home alone with Leo and everyone else is at work. It's noon and I'm still in my jammies watching the news and surfing for a good sweater pattern on Ravelry. Leo is snuggled up next to me for warmth. It's a good day.

    Starting the first weekend in December, I will be working every 4th weekend, so I'm going to enjoy all my weekends off. It's not so bad as I'll be making a bit more money to answer phones in the office (weekend differential) while I'm dressed in jeans and have no visits required!

  10. Hope you are having a nice weekend Dana!


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