Monday, November 26, 2012

2012 Project 365 – Week Forty-Seven

I’m posting a little late this week because, frankly, I just plain forgot to work on my post Saturday night! Oops. I have an excuse though – Thanksgiving Torpor. I was supposed to go visit my brother & his family too, but Thanksgiving Torpor set in & I just basically played Words With Friends & watched college football instead. Sorry Joe & Bren! But now I’m back home & coming out of my food haze, so I’m going to try to be coherent here.

Saturday, November 17th   
Critters from our back yard.

Dr. M & I went on a little ramble & saw some this terribly cute burro.

Sunday, November 18th
I was laughing at our clock – I do believe that the sun was hitting the outside thermometer because I’m pretty sure Sunday’s temp was NOT over 100 degrees!

Starling against a lovely blue sky.

Monday, November 19th   
Hawk in flight.

Dr. M enjoyed the fire pit while I was out having dinner with my friend Joanne.

The Moon!

Tuesday, November 20th

Premature Christmas decorations – come on people it’s not even Thanksgiving yet! They still make me smile though.

Dr. M took some great sheep pictures – go here to see them.

I love how the chickadees come to the feeder so cautiously, grab a seed & head back to the tree to eat it.

Wednesday, November 21st      
We headed to NC today. We only had one real traffic snafu – on the only significant two lane stretch of our journey (they were painting lines on the road – I’m sure they thought that was very necessary the day before Thanksgiving!). Anyway, I made Dr. M take this picture while we were waiting – I like the hay rolls in the wagon.

On the way down we took our usual detour by a sheep farm.

The moon!

Thursday, November 22nd – Thanksgiving Day        
I love Amy’s fashion sense :)

Go here to read about our Thanksgiving feast.

One of my favorite parts (besides all the food!) was being able to Skype with my nephew who is in Army medic training in Santa Fe.

Here is the State of the Bug – wearing Mamaw’s hat!

The moon!

Friday, November 23rd          
Daddy & Amy’s decorations.

Dr. M took lots of pictures of birds. Go here to see them – there are some great shots there.

I took a picture of Daddy & Amy’s calendar with my nephew’s picture on it – cool!

It’s the moon!

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Amy's fashion sense is acute; the stripes on her PJs match those slippers perfectly.

  2. Love the hat! I have never used skype, but then none of out computers have cameras attached to them, it always sounds really cool when I here folks talking about it!


  3. Quite a week you had! And that squirrel is rather "healthy" looking. Preparing for the winter, you think?


  4. I love that picture of you in the hat.

  5. skype helped us get thru the first year of college with child 4 1/2 hours away...
    great animal pics
    haven't seen too many decorations here yet...mostly the lamp posts and shopping centers...I can't decide how much I'm going to put out this year...believe it will be a small year.

  6. i would be thrilled beyond belief if I could get bird shots that good. Love the animals too.

  7. I'm not sure I would want a clock that told me the outside temperature. Seems like that would be a pretty strong disincentive to get out of bed!

  8. you really do have a great eye for a photo - like so many of these its unfair to pick out a single one, but still gonna say the squirrell

  9. I kind of fancy the barn picture. It would look beautiful in a frame.

  10. That first cardinal pic could be a Christmas postcard! Just beautiful!
    You two are either amazing photographers, or incredibly lucky!

  11. Y'all are so kind!!! Thank you! I am nothing more than a humble sniper with a very good camera/lens combo. I am trying to be more artistic, but mostly, I see, aim, and fire, relying on my modest training and equipment to produce results. I'm sorry if that's too graphic. I was trained to shoot and hunt long before I got my first SLR, and those skills still serve me. I quickly embraced the camera and gave up's like catch and release shooting! Add to that the beauty of digital photography: I can shoot as many pics as I want without going bankrupt with developing costs, and it is very simple to crop our pics, etc., to make them even better. You see the final result of a lot of editing. People often say "I wish I could do that." You can, but it requires a significant investment in camera equipment and some patience both with shooting and editing. We love it, so we do it for our own enjoyment. It is a thrill to be able to share so much of our photography online!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...