Sunday, October 20, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Forty-Two

This week is all about the moon, of course!

Sunday, October 13th  
Dr. M took the history club on their annual outing to the Renaissance Festival. He left at the crack of dawn so I didn’t get a picture of him in all his pirate glory. I may have another opportunity this next week… If you’d like to see more pictures from the festival (and read his hilarious tale of trying to get to the Willow Manor Ball) go here
They were wearing pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
Monday, October 14th  
The moon!

Our zinnias are still lovely…

The Great Banana Experiment, Day 1. You will notice that I left a control banana with its stem unwrapped.

Tuesday, October 15th         
Dr. M’s school took pictures for the NOH8 campaign.

Our tomatoes haven’t figured out yet that it’s October.

Wednesday, October 16th   
The Tax Time Pig is ready for Halloween!

The moon!

Thursday, October 17th
Dr. M took some gorgeous fall foliage shots!

I spent some time this evening organizing a sack full of Ellery Queen books – had to get them in the right order before I could start reading them.

Friday, October 18th
The moon!

Saturday, October 19th      
We’re babysitting a couple of houseplants for our neighbors. This violet made me think of my grandmother, who always had African Violets growing in her kitchen windowsill.

Great Banana Experiment, Day 5: the remaining two bananas. As far as I can tell they look and feel exactly alike. So maybe what really helps is just separating them & you don’t need to bother with plastic wrap & tape. Hmmm…

The moon!

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. I'm jealous of your fall foliage! When we were up in New York a few weeks ago, the colors hadn't quite peaked yet.

    Your tomatoes are just as confused as the weather in Florida. It was 90º here yesterday. A gorgeous August day!

    I think you should do another banana experiment now. Two bunches of them; one separated, the others attached. Please report your findings, complete with pictures, next week. :-p

    1. Well duh - I SHOULD do that with the bananas. It's too late for the bunch I bought yesterday - I'll try it NEXT week :)

  2. I've got to agree with you...the bananas look the same. Nice followup!

    Wow...crazy moon pics! Avery just studied all the phases so now its often a topic of conversation around here.

    1. Dr. M is pretty good at capturing the moon. It's funny because we lose interest after it starts waning again - I have almost no pictures of it heading toward new.

  3. Your autumn colors are gorgeous. I'm still waiting for our fall foliage. :( .....still waiting.


  4. That's interesting about the bananas... Do you really think they ripen any slower separating them? They still look pretty ripe.

    Love the moon photos. Again I say, I think you should consider selling some of your photos (or Dr. M's), they are really good!

    1. See my exchange with PP above - I'll do that experiment next week :)

  5. La Bella Luna always comes to mind when I see your moon photos, and I've been waiting for Halloween shots of the tax pig so now I'm happy!

    1. Whew! Glad I thought to swing by to get that picture for you!

  6. Caution! Sending us to read the pirate, er, renaissance blog may lead to us forgetting to come back and comment on yours! Nonetheless, his was funny and yours, as usual, was full of beautiful photography. I saw a girl with her mouth covered with red tape that said "LIFE" on it. I'm not sure if she was pro-life, pro-choice, or just didn't want to talk about it...hmmmm

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the diversion :)

    2. Thank you, friend! Glad you made your way back from the realm of pirates and knights. During the Renaissance, of course, "pirate" was in the eye of the beholder. One of the characters at the Ren Fest was Francis Drake, a pirate to the Spanish, a privateer and national hero to the English :-)

  7. You know...I have never read an Ellery Queen book. Not one. I'll have to do something about that.

    1. The first one was written in 1926 or so & definitely has a distinct style.

  8. Great Banana Experiment

    Bill Nye the Science Guy would be extremely proud!

    1. Ha! And that would make ME proud to have the Great Nye notice me:)

  9. maybe a follow up is to leave the bananas attached, or to try it with kiwis - love the black and white moon shot

    Did you know that it was the failure of Ellery Queen the TV series to sell and get ratings led to the creation of Murder, She Wrote??

    1. I did NOT know that! I didn't even know there was an Ellery Queen series (or maybe, in the dim recesses of my mind I DO know - & I guess that's why it didn't succeed).

    2. I remember when they tried the series on TV. Didn't realize it led to Murder, She Wrote!

  10. Love the joust, love the flowers (especially the zinnia), loved the moon shots. It was a wicked moon this week (the small black and white is my favorite). Love Tax time pigs costume. The banana experiment solved my questions. I did not see a huge difference. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  11. love your pictures of the moon. my mother always had african violets. she gave me a couple but they didn't survive.

  12. Thank you, Ellen! The moon enchants me. African violets can be very fickle. This one may not survive, as it was overwatered before it came to us. We'll see.

  13. Love zinnias. I pick some still every week at our community farm, Victory Acres.
    Amazing moon shots.
    Always much to enjoy and learn from your blog.
    Have a delightful week.

    1. Thanks! I never bring our flowers indoors (well, except for when I accidentally deadhead a non-dead daisy). I don't know why - I really should!

  14. Hi. I just looked at your moon pictures and they are great. I love the moon too.

    1. Thanks! My husband takes the moon pictures - he's a wizard :)

  15. I think the moon is a jawbreaker sucked clean of its candy coating.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...