Saturday, October 5, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Forty

It’s almost 6:30 on a Saturday night & I can hardly hold my eyes open. We’re such party animals around here!
Sunday, September 29th
Dr. M harvested Big Sunny today. He put the seeds in with the rest of the bird seed.

We found a volunteer zinnia in the same bed as our miniature rose bush. So cute!

This marigold is planning to take over the world – it’s a monster!

Next to last hummingbird sighting of the year – we didn’t get a picture of the last one.

Monday, September 30th  
A very sincere pumpkin patch.

Is it just me, or does this picture make you think of Children of the Corn too?


Tuesday, October 1st         
The fog was really lovely on my way to work this morning.

Dr. M noticed that Chloe the Flamingo (dressed in her Halloween outfit), has a dragon shadow!

Silly bunny in the back yard – I’m sure it thinks it’s completely hidden.

Wednesday, October 2nd   
Deer family on campus.

I saw this license plate today – made me smile.

Thursday, October 3rd
Dr. M captured this picture of The Deerstalker checking out the campus herd. Ready to pounce any minute. Yep. Any minute now…

The shawl I made myself. I finished it weeks ago, and finally remembered to take a picture.

Friday, October 4th
Roses on Dr. M’s campus – so pretty.

I was a little freaked out when I opened Bloglovin’ & saw my post which contained a picture of the Burberry ad, below the actual Burberry ad. Spooky!

Saturday, October 5th      
Today I went to see the sunflowers myself. Unlike Dr. M, I did not park my car to get a really good shot (I am such a lazy photographer!). This is through the front windshield. It’s really a terrible picture, but I love the little girl in her Ohio State Buckeyes cheerleader costume.

P.S. As requested by Stephen, here is what an insincere pumpkin patch looks like :)

Poor Linus - the Great Pumpkin never came...

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Ha - this made me laugh: A very sincere pumpkin patch.

    Love the fog picture!

    And speaking of party animals...after we cleaned house this morning, we were slugs the rest of the day. I didn't leave the house once except for one step out the backyard to take a sunset picture. You're in good company!

    1. Loved the fog picture, too! She did great with that one. I've been a slug all day today.

  2. Great pictures as usual, but I'm curious: could you show us a picture or at least describe an "insincere" pumpkin patch?

    1. Ha! I've added a picture of an insincere pumpkin patch for you :)

    2. Awwww...I never thought it was insincere...poor Linus :-(

  3. I loved "The Great Pumpkin" when I was a kid. I haven't seen it in years. I wonder if it's on YouTube?

    Things look so incredibly AUTUMNAL where you are!

    What is Bloglovin'? Did you originally see that Burberry ad there? That is VERY coincidental, isn't it?!

    1. Bloglovin is what I use since Google Reader went away. I like it pretty well - keeps my blogs organized & lets me know when there are new posts on the blogs I follow.

  4. i rather like the cheerleeder shot - and the shawl looks lovely and warm for the oncome of winter. I see that the habit of dressing up inanimate objects is spreading from Tax Time Pig...

    1. Oh yes - we love to dress up our critters around here :)

  5. Can't believe how much is in bloom at one time. Two weeks ago we were driving through the hillsides of Italy and the sunflowers were already gone by.

    The shawl is so pretty and I like that it has special meaning. You certainly keep your hands busy!

    1. This sunflower field is planted just so it reaches peak in early autumn. That said, we cannot believe how well our marigolds and zinnias are still doing! And the roses at school are well tended and amazing. We are enjoying what is called Indian Summer in these parts. Frost will come soon enough, and it will all fade.

  6. I'm reminded of 'sincera' in Spanish which broken down means 'without wax'. Hmmmm. However that adjective form can only be used with femenine nouns. Hmmmm.

    1. Ha! I guess those would be the less shiny pumpkins :)

  7. you have bunnies in your back yard!?

    marigolds don't do well here but that doesn't stop the nurseries from selling them.

    beautiful roses.

    1. We have the occasional bunny, yes...our neighborhood seems to be a wildlife area! Squirrels, rabbits, skunks, raccoons, possums...we've seen them.

  8. Replies
    1. We call it our Cowendar...we've got one the last two years because the color scheme matches our kitchen and, well, it has cows! What's not to love?

  9. It’s almost 6:30 on a Saturday night & I can hardly hold my eyes open. We’re such party animals around here!

    My wife and I stayed up to 10:30pm last night watching Netflix. I went to bed while her intention was to watch another episode of Supernatural. But she told me this morning she was asleep on the couch a few minutes after I left.

    1. Mike often falls asleep on the couch after I head to bed (& sometimes before I head to bed).

  10. Terrific as always. No matter the team, I love to see little girls (and boys) with team spirit. Even the oneses on the babies.

    1. I've been smiling because apparently some hospital in Pittsburgh has been putting the newborns in Pirates onesies since they made the playoffs. So cute!

  11. Gorgeous shawl! Should come in handy as the weather cools down. Ivan says we're leaving just in time :)

    I love fields of sunflowers! Or even lone sunflowers. Actually I really like flowers of every kind. But there's something special about sunflowers.

    I should be packing but instead I'm using this last opportunity (Tina has internet!) to read some blogs :)

    1. I actually used the shawl last night - ha!

      Happy travels!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...