Thursday, October 10, 2013

10 on 10 (or Little Wallet's Big Adventure)

Last night when I got home from work I realized that I had lost my wallet. But I had a good idea of where it was, so I called my doctor's office this morning & sure enough there it was! So I went by the office and picked it up.

Since it was so scary being apart I decided that we should spend the rest of the day together. We listened to my audio book...

and spent some time working on cleaning out ancient files in our basement storage. (Powerpoint presentations from 2000? No they are NOT moving with us to our new office!).

Then we had a snack.

And then it was time to go home!

On our way home we picked up a couple of pairs of shoes that I'd had repaired. I had been putting it off because I thought it would be expensive, but I need these shoes for fall & winter. And the repairs costed less than $10. Ha!


We had a mater sandwich for dinner...

and then spent some time enjoying the fire pit with Dr. M.

And then it was bedtime for Little Wallet.

The End.


  1. Hah - very cute idea!

    And yes, being separated from your wallet is VERY scary. Glad you knew where it was and you got it back!

    1. Thanks! Yes - I was pretty nervous all night thinking about it.

  2. Glad you didn't lose your wallet. Do you have wallets to match all of your outfits?

    1. You know that was a happy coincidence - but it is one of my favorite colors :)

  3. Glad you found it with no problem.

    On the rare occassion I leave my wallet at home, I'm petrified the rest of the day I'm gonna be stopped for speeding. Therefore I go about 10 mph under and am the object ot my co-commuter's rath.

    1. Yesterday before I left for work I promised myself that I would be a very cautious driver. Um, no - I was my usual maniac self. Sheesh!

  4. That's a cool wallet! I hate it when I leave my wallet somewhere -- fortunately it's a very rare occurrence. (And now I've cursed myself.)

    1. Thanks! Yes, I'm now obsessively checking to make sure I have it with me!

  5. Cassie is quite jealous that she hasn't gotten as much air time as your wallet! She did travel with us to see Hunter, and I suppose I should post one of those pictures, but THIS post is about you and your wallet! So glad you both enjoyed a lovely day together. Sing with me now, "reunited and it feels so gooooood!!"

    1. Ha! Yep, that's now "our" song :)

      I love Cassie. I should bring a sheep to work with me sometime!

  6. Ha, ha! Glad you remembered where your wallet was!

  7. very cute. glad you found it. I've never been so lucky as to find a lost wallet.

    1. I had been planning all the calls I would have to make if it wasn't where I thought it was. I was NOT looking forward to making those calls!

  8. Every wallet deserves such a grand adventurous day :)

  9. I have no idea why, but that made me smile a lot.


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