Thursday, October 3, 2013


Is it bad that when I see this ad:

I immediately think “Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough!”?

I have to say that not all things about getting older are bad. Used to be, if my feet were cold I would have to run a warm bath, turn my electric blanket on high, or invade Dr. M’s side of the bed before I could fall asleep. My frigid feet would just never warm up all on their own. Last night I stayed up late reading (& ignoring that terrible Cleveland/Tampa Bay game) & my feet were freezing when I went to bed. And after I lay there for a few minutes they started warming up all on their own! It’s a menopausal miracle!

I'm listening to a David Baldacci book (see my sidebar) & I just learned something new. I had no idea that Heckler & Koch was pronounced Coke, not Kotch. Interesting!

The Braves' first post season game is tonight, and you know how I love my Braves, but... Their regular season ended on a kind of meh note & well I don't want to be a naysayer, but I'm saying nay. Sigh. (Do you think this strategy of getting the Braves to win will work? If I act like I know it won't happen?)

I finished it a couple of weeks ago, but totally forgot to share a picture of the shawl I made myself out of yarn scraps. Makes me smile - especially because a lot of the scraps were from my friend Joanne who passed away earlier this year.


  1. Cold feet? What is that?

    Signed, The Floridian

  2. I suspect that the main reason Mrs. Chatterbox keeps me around is because I'm a furnace and keep her feet warm at night. Honestly, I can't think of another reason.

    1. She probably needs you to open jars too, right?

  3. The shawl is great! The Burberry ad, not so much. I don't understand fashion, I really don't.

    What on earth is Heckler & Koch??

    1. Thanks! I don't get the ad either. Is that a purse? Are they saying that love is a prison? It's very confusing. Plus - cookie dough!

      A Heckler & Koch is a type of gun. I know this from all the suspense books I read. But don't ask me anything else about it!

  4. Love the shawl. All the more precious because of your friend.

  5. That's awesome you can use those scraps that have a special meaning - those are always the best projects!

    I had a guy I had a crush on in high school with that name - he pronounced it as 'Cook' ...

    I've seen that ad all over Blog Lovin all week & every time, I'm like what the heck is that?!?!?

    1. I know - I have no idea. I took a picture of it today because my blog was on my Bloglovin feed right underneath the ad - synchronicity!

  6. That ad is very effective, and the bag is cute. And now, I want a chocolate chip cookie. Thanks. Thanks a lot. Sigh.

  7. Ha! Keep telling yourself that. I usually sleep with my feet sticking out from under the sheet and blanket. Though, yeah, I used to be very cold blooded and while I still don't like sitting under an air vent and I think a lot of stores over-refrigerate, I don't have to take a jacket to the movies or restaurants anymore.

    1. Yeah - I think my temperature control is just going to be different from now on. I remember my mom used to go out barefoot in the snow - now I understand why!

  8. Love the shawl. I love the color changes. Very unique. You could sell this, you know. Just don't offer it up to that tax-time pig...I hear he's quite the fashion maven. Perhaps the choco chip cookie bag instead.

    1. Thanks! Yeah - I don't think the pig would care for the shawl. Ha!


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