Monday, October 7, 2013

Various & Sundry

We have a winner! You remember - from this post. I put all the names on slips of paper & had an impartial coworker draw one out.

Congratulations! Send me an email & we'll discuss what you want. And everyone should check out her blog I Didn't Know That - she'll have you convinced that riding a bike is the only way to go. I totally credit her with making me decide to get my bicycle Daisy :)

Today my boss & I went over & checked out our new digs (our office is moving in December). The office is still under construction so we had to wear hard hats. And you know I had to take a picture, but it's a TERRIBLE picture. This is a heavily (heavily!) edited version of it. And you know that even though it's terrible I had to share it anyway. Ha!

The petunias in our gorgeous hanging basket are mostly done, but there are a few hanging on. Makes me smile when I see them.

I'll leave you with our Ohio sky for most of the day (well half of it looked like this & half looked ominous). I love fluffy clouds...

Happy Monday!


  1. Congratulations to SouthLakesMom!

    Whaddaya mean, a terrible picture? You look cute even in a hard hat! Not everyone can pull that off.

  2. That looks like the clouds from the intro to the Simpsons.

    1. I almost wrote that up there! i always think of the Simpsons when I see those kinds of clouds.

  3. LOL -- Stephen is right, those ARE Simpsons clouds! Is your office moving far?

    1. They definitely are :)

      We're moving a whopping 4 miles away - ha! But it's few couple of miles closer to my home & that's the important part.

  4. I sometimes have to wear hard hats on job sites. They never really fit well which always makes me wonder how effective they would be.

    1. We had fancy-schmancy ones with a big screw that I could use to tighten to fit. It stayed on pretty well. I guess it would have helped if someone dropped a hammer. But maybe not a ladder :)

  5. Wow! I never win anything! Thanks!

    I, too, love the hardhat. I'm glad they didn't make you put on steel toed boots. That's what they're telling us about visiting the bike room at the new metro station -- we have to wear steel-toed boots on the job site. How many people have a pair of those sitting around? Sheesh!

    Going to e-mail you now! Thanks again! K

    1. I'm surprised they let us in with just the hats on too. At least I didn't have open toed shoes on - not that my sneakers would have protected me that much. :)

  6. red flowers make me smile my geraniums!!

    1. I like red geraniums too, but our bright pink ones are also pretty cool.

  7. Waah! But congratulations SouthLakesMom.


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