Tuesday, October 22, 2013

In Which I Fail My Root Canal and Other Medical Oddities

I had postponed my root canal because of pure cowardice, but today I finally sallied forth. And the doctor was really really nice and very gentle, and except for him having to numb me a few extra times (and feeling a little claustrophobic with his hands in my mouth & by my nose) it wasn’t that bad.

In fact, I spent part of the time grinning to myself because I was chanting a mantra during the claustrophobic  times and the only thing that came to mind was my Episcopal rosary prayers – “Jesus, Lamb of God…” and the doctor is Jewish. Ha! And I was really mad that I didn’t get my camera out to document the event. Do you think he would have minded if I had taken a few selfies while he was digging out my old filling?

Unfortunately he wasn’t able to complete the root canal because he examined the tooth & apparently it has two rather significant cracks in it. So it needs to be pulled. It’s my next to last molar on the bottom left. Sigh.

Ironically, the last time I had that tooth filled several years ago I told the dentist that I’d prefer if he just pulled it.

In other news, apparently I have experienced Exploding Head Syndrome! One night last week as I was just about to doze off, I heard a loud crash in the ear that was on the pillow. I startled up, but realized that nothing had made the noise – it was all in my head. At the time I meant to Google "loud crashy noises in your head" but forgot all about it until I read SouthLakesMom’s post today. So I immediately went to the Google & what do you know! It’s actually a thing! From Wikipedia:

Exploding Head Syndrome is a form of hypnagogic auditory hallucination and is a rare and relatively undocumented parasomnia event in which the subject experiences a loud bang in their head similar to a bomb exploding, a gun going off, a clash of cymbals, ringing, or any other form of loud, indecipherable noise that seems to originate from inside the head.

Who knew such a thing even existed! Or MAYBE, what exploded was my tooth!

You know, I think I liked it better when I had garden variety hypochondria & the doctor always said I was actually fine. 


  1. Oh! that's happened to me. Not the tooth pulling, although I do have a loose one, but the crashing sound at night!

  2. Oh, ugh, sorry about the root canal! Will you get an implant if the tooth is pulled? What comes next?

    I have never heard of "exploding head syndrome," but I've certainly had weird auditory hallucinations near the moment of falling asleep.

    1. I don't know Steve - I asked my dentist's office when I made the appointment & she said they'd discuss options when I come in. It all just sounds expensive to me.

  3. I had the root canal work, same tooth as you. Then I had it out I think although my teeth confuse me.

    I hear noises in my ear through the pillow which I blamed on my neighbours washing machine going at night but I have now moved and living in a detached house I still get the noises in my ear( but not explosions) and it keeps me awake so I keep moving my head and moving the pillow and then eventually I fall asleep.

    1. After I had hip surgery a couple of years ago I had that blood rushing through my veins sound for a while. I don't know what THAT was about but fortunately it went away after a while.

  4. Sorry about the root canal. My dentist is Jewish too, and I've often thought that it's a good thing that Judaism is a non-proselytizing faith because when he has the instruments, the feel-good stuff, and the threat of future pain, I'm pretty willing to sign up for anything...

    Thanks for the shout out!

    1. Ha! Yeah I think I might would promise him anything too - even the first born child I don't have :)

  5. I dread the thought of root canals, they sound like torture. Well done for getting through it, even if it was aborted at the last minute. Exploding head syndrome is a new one on me I must say. I quite often wake up with a start, feeling like I'm falling, when in fact I'm safely tucked up in bed. Wonder if that has a name.

    1. It was actually not THAT much worse than a regular filling. But then again I think those are pretty bad so that might not be the best comparison.

      I do the falling thing too - and I'm SURE it has a name. Here, I'm heading to The Google now....

      Well, I don't see a name for the falling sensation, but there IS a name for the involuntary jerk we do when we feel like we're falling: hypnagogic myoclonic twitch or “Hypnic jerk” Interesting!

  6. So sorry about the tooth. I've never heard of exploding head syndrome. Sounds like something right out of science fiction.

    1. It really does, doesn't it? I wonder if we'll find out later that it's caused by aliens? Ha!

  7. A few years ago I was going to have a root canal that ended up being a pulled tooth. Never heard of exploding head syndrome. I'm wondering...was it the night of the full moon? Weird stuff happens during full moons.

    1. What did you do with the empty space? Bridge? Implant? Or was there not much of a space?

      It was NOT the full moon, but I wonder if it was during the NEW moon. Hmm...

    2. Since it was a fairly large empty space (next to my last molar), I ended up going with an implant. I waited quite a while, though...to save up the money. They ARE expensive. Maybe you could trade some chickens... ;-p

      One tip, since you'll know when the tooth will be pulled: fill up your body with extra Vitamin C. It helps with the healing process. I drank extra OJ and took some of those Emergen-C envelopes for about four or five days before and after the extraction. My dentist gave me high compliments for being a "quick and efficient healer" after the procedure.

  8. I've never heard of Exploding Head Syndrome. Wow! Sounds like something I can do without.

  9. Isn't "Exploding Head Syndrome" really just a fancy $3 term for "hangover"?

    Sorry to hear of your dental dilemma, but at least it's almost over with. Hang on. ;)


    1. Har har - if it was a hangover it was a CHOCOLATE one. :)

  10. If I require extensive dental work I make them knock me clean out with drugs. A couple of years ago I finally had my last two wisdom teeth removed. They shot me up with some great stuff, I remember my toes feeling warm and fuzzy then nothing. I woke up an hour after everything was done. That dental visit was almost enjoyable.

    1. I think I might call my dentist office back & see what they can offer regarding happy juice. I did NOT enjoy feeling claustrophobic yesterday - and there was also the matter of needing multiple numbing jabs.

      When I had my wisdom teeth out they gave me laughing gas. When it was over I thought I was completely fine, but when I tried to walk it was like I was drunk. My mom & the staff thought that was hilarious :)

  11. I'm with Beach Bum. I like to sleep through all Unpleasantness. Wake me when it's over. This includes any messy home improvement projects, tedious and boring drives, and most fishing shows.

    1. Ha! You're funny. I might have to seriously explore the anesthesia option...

  12. I just happened to be passing when I read about about your "Exploding Head Syndrome." I just thought it was something best ignored, just in case people started talking, if you know what I mean. I was quite concerned when first I heard it, but as I'm still alive and kicking, and aware that I am so, I guess there's nothing to worry about......yet!

    1. Hi & welcome Tom! It's funny that it really scared me at the time, but by the next morning I kept forgetting that it had even happened. Good thing it's not a serious problem!

  13. You are too funny. I have actually heard about Exploding Head Syndrome. I work with a woman who experienced it. I thought she was a little off....but researched it and found out it really existed. I am with you on the dentist.

    1. Well that coworker and I probably ARE a little bit off :)

  14. Oh man... I've had 8 root canals so when I hear about others having them... or even worse, problems, it makes me cringe...
    That's always my fear, they get so far to have them say they have to pull it :(

    1. EIGHT? EIGHT? Yikes! I'll bet I'm looking at that down the road. At the least all my ancient fillings need to be replaced. I'm getting two of them done in November. The third quarter of 2013 is looking like dentalpocalypse around here...

  15. Yeah I don't like needles either (which is why I don't understand why I keep volunteering to donate blood!).


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