Tuesday, October 1, 2013

50 x 50 Update

This is just an update for me - feel free to not read if you're not in the mood! Since my last 50x50 update in July, I have completed the following tasks:

21. Finally go see my Aunt Mimi’s house & property.

23. Visit my cousin Scottie & her husband John.

31. Finally visit Rita & Mike.

32. Meet K, J & S in the mountains like we’ve planned for two years now. It was different mountains, and we didn’t stay overnight, but I’m counting this one done. But let’s be sure to do it again next year ladies!

33. Stop drinking diet drinks. This means giving up caffeine because I know I won't drink enough tea to make a difference. I am drinking unsweetened tea now and I like it!

36. Finish reading the Mary Russell books.

39. See Anne & Ken face to face again. (I decided to count this one as done even though we only got to see Anne). 
40. Write my 1000th blog post.
I am starting to think that some of my goals are just not going to be met by March 3rd. But it’s been a lot of fun thinking of things I want to do & then actually doing them. Very valuable exercise. I’m already pretty proud of myself. Now I’m going to go try to write a poem. Or cook something. Maybe I’ll write a poem about cooking! Stay tuned…


  1. Go girl! Well done for marking a number of items off your list.
    For me writing a poem about cooking would be infinitely more difficult than just cooking :) This past week I came across the notebook I was required to keep during a creative writing course back in college. Poetry was involved. It was fun to look back and remember the stories surrounding each bit of writing, but I am honest enough to admit my poetry is simplistic and often silly.

    1. Then it's a deal - you cook & I will write about it :)

  2. Great! I should try an exercise like this sometime. I am terrible at goal-setting, at least in the long-term, big-picture sense.

    1. I'm not good at it either - and even though I wrote these goals down I probably would have forgotten about it if I hadn't blogged the list!

  3. I should follow your example for setting goals, writing them down. maybe then I'd accomplish more.

  4. I agree, it is fun and helpful to think about what items one would do (if given time, resources, etc.).

    I'm impressed with your dedication! Well done!

  5. Poem definitely needed!
    I'm in the middle of cooking for book club -
    egg salad sandwiches and chocolate chip walnut cookies...
    wish you could join us!

  6. I used to do that (write down goals and check them off as they were accomplished) but I quit when I noticed how few of them were getting checked off!

    1. I'm thinking about a third of my 50 goals won't be accomplished - but I guess .667 is a pretty good average :)

  7. I have goals like the pirates from "Pirates of the Caribbean" have rules, their more nebulous guidelines.

    1. Ha! That's how I usually am, but I thought I'd make this year a little (very little!) more regimented.

  8. This is such a cool idea, and I'm impressed that you're doing so well. I think we often think of things we want to do and never do them. I wonder if you will do this exercise again next year. Good on you for giving up diet drinks.

    1. This is funny - I am even now drinking a diet drink :) But I figure one every other week or so is much better than the three a day I used to drink. Since I really did modify my behavior I'm counting that goal as done :)

  9. Good idea, setting goals and writing them down. Here is my "1 by 64": I want a bacon throwdown with Bobby Flay. ;)

    1. If you accomplish this goal I want to be there, so give me plenty of advance notice!

  10. So what was it...cooking, poetry, or both?

    You wiped out a good chunk of your list! I believe such lists keep you focused and stop you from aimlessly meandering around, doing nothing, and then wondering what the heck happened and how you turned 40, or 50, or whatever.

    1. Neither :( I tried to write a poem yesterday but no go. Sigh.

  11. I think that is awesome! I wish I had come up with a list like that before I turned 50!

    1. Thanks! You should do one in 10 years for 60 :)


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