Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week One

Welcome to week one of the year! This week is all about the moon – and thank goodness for that because otherwise the only picture for Friday would have been that empty cookie bag I posted the other day. I’m also including the last of the Daily Walk pictures that I took.

Sunday, December 28th
Heading home today, but as is my usual practice, I went to the nursing home to sing with my dad & aunts (they lead the singing before the Sunday School service & then they scoot over to their churches).

Dr. M took some last photos of birds at my dad’s house.

Goodbye Blue Ridge!

Late in the afternoon we saw a murmuration of starlings – so cool! Sadly, the iPhone photos are pretty bad. I don’t know if it would have been any better, but I’m thinking about putting my point & shoot camera in the car for just such occasions.

My daily walk – gazelling after we got home. I was gazing lovingly at my new Toms shoes that I purchased on our shopping trip on Saturday.

Monday, December 29th  
The sparrows were very glad to see Dr. M!

My daily walk – sheepy version.

Tuesday, December 30th      
Our neighbor’s nativity set.

Frozen cement pond.

My daily walk. That softball was just a bit out of place…

Wednesday, December 31st
Middle of the night moon.

I picked the wrong day to try a new hair product. I was going to scrunch my hair & let it air dry. Then I saw that it was 10 degrees. My penguin hat didn’t really help with the scrunching process. Ha!

Early evening moon.

My daily walk – listening to a very gruesome murder mystery!  

Thursday, January 1st
I’ve been thinking about my grandmother, so I asked Dr. M to get me little boxes of raisins. She often gave us raisins for Christmas. (Or maybe it was once & I’ve remembered it as often – ha!)

My last daily walk photo op!

The moon…

Friday, January 2nd  
The moon!

Saturday, January 3rd     
Dr. M & I were out & about and saw this giant inflatable nutcracker. Also liked the lighthouse. Also, penguin!

I had been wanting a hat to match my crazy scarf (other than the penguin hat), so I whipped this one up tonight. Easy peasy - & it actually fits my head!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Love the Blue Ridge photo...but it's Monday's sparrows that have me just smiling. And yes, the moon!

  2. Love the knit hat and matching scarf. You look exotic.

  3. You may want to be careful putting a camera in the car in the cold weather. It could ruin it.

    About the nativity in the neighbor's yard... Is Baby Jesus really sitting on something that looks like a BBQ grate, or is that just me?

    Happy 2015!

    1. Yeah...I thought the same thing about Baby Jesus!

    2. I almost commented on the photo that it looked like he was on some sort of grill - hilarious :)

      Also, I thought about the camera thing too. But we don't need to worry because I forgot to bring it with me anyway. Heh.

  4. glad to see you doing this again - like the new hat

  5. Dr. M does an amazing job with the bird photos!
    Your dad and his sisters -- do they color coordinate every week? They look very festive!
    Love your matching hat and scarf set!

    1. As far as I know, their matching colors were entirely coincidental - but I think they were still in the Christmas spirit :)

  6. A "murmuration" of starlings? Are they really called that? I love those gatherings where the birds all swoop and flock together.

    1. A flock of starlings is called a murmuration, yes, and they are amazing to watch when they flock together like this!

  7. Every time you use that singular "ha!" I end up reading it like a Karate Chop exclamation.

    I wish I could whip up little hats, etc. so quickly. I've gotten bored with knitting and have a surplus of yarn that I need to produce with. Feeling guilty....

    1. You should start crocheting - that will shake things up :) And YES - that "ha!" is an exclamation, whereas a "heh" is more of a grin.

  8. Love all the bird pics. We had a visit from, we think, a young Red Tail Hawk.
    You're quite photogenic yourself!

    1. Aw thanks! Need to get around to your blog today...

  9. That last photo of you in your new hat - the big one where you're looking up - you look so cute and your eyes are so big.

    I've never seen such busy bird feeders.
    Can't believe that little frozen wave in the birdbath... at least it looks like a wave. Surfs up, birdies!

  10. I'm not a fan of starlings, yet I stand totally amazed when they fly like that. Absolutely mesmerizing. Loved your new hat. And always love your week.

  11. these are so fun. love the shoes. I've been wanting some Tom's but I cheaped out and got an imitation.

  12. the hat, I LOVE...and you guys take the best bird photos. Happy New Year. I'm going to try this 365 thing again this year.


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