Sunday, January 18, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Three

So last week I said I was going to have to take more pictures myself this week. Did I remember saying that? No. Did I take more pictures? No. Thank goodness I’ve got Dr. M to pick up the slack. This week was about the frozen tundra, whimsy, and a harbinger of spring (or maybe a geranium who’s in denial). 

Oh, & just so everyone knows, in the picture with my new socks, NCMountainWoman noticed an “L” & asked if that meant “left.” Yes, yes, it does – there’s an “R” on the other sock. And yes, your eyes do not deceive you – I had them on the wrong feet because I wasn’t paying any attention. For heaven’s sake.

Sunday, January 11th
I always feel like pictures of cardinals should come with captions. What would this one say?

No drinking or bathing today!

On the other hand, inside it was hot flash city while I was doing my daily Gazelle. Had to go put my feet in the snow to cool them off (& somewhere my mother is saying, “See? That feels wonderful doesn’t it?”)

Monday, January 12th  
Dr. M saw a dog who was apparently out running some errands.

I cut my finger (teensy little bleeder) & rather than go get a perfectly serviceable Band-Aid I decided to use a paper towel & some of my penguin duct tape. Very McGyver, don’t you think?

Tuesday, January 13th      
Campus deer.

Wednesday, January 14th  
Campus snow.

I often look rather Pebbles-esque when I’m working out these days.

Thursday, January 15th  
My cousin’s daughter made this for Dr. M – we love it!

And a friend of mine had been meaning to give me this pillow since August. Penguin!

Friday, January 16th  
The aforementioned frozen tundra.

Saturday, January 17th      
Dr. M received copies of a new article he’s had published in the Kentucky Historical Society Register: ““A Blood Stained Sin”: Slavery, Freedom, and Guerrilla Warfare in the Bluegrass Region of Kentucky, 1863-65.”

I had to go over to the church to turn off one of our heat pumps (it keeps running continuously no matter the temperature). My status from Facebook:  I am heat pump, furnace, & air conditioner illiterate (determinedly so), but when told to move the switch from on to off? That I can manage ‪#‎incompetentchurchwardenproblems

Ms. Pinky decided that January was a fine time to produce her last blooms. At least I think these will be the last until spring. I know for sure that they made us smile!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Well, won't you just look at Ms. Pinky go! What a gal. Love your MacGyver bandage. MacGyver was my son's favorite show when he was in high school.

  2. Our red geranium is managing to put out a new bloom too!

  3. My geranium evidently didn't get the memo, and has no winter blossoms for me to admire.

  4. "Was there a memo?" says my nameless geranium.

    "You again?" caption for cardinal pic.

    Love the frozen tundra pics!

    Somehow, even in our slacking photography, you and I manage to find/fetch/borrow/steal enough for our blog ;-)

  5. SWMBO was surprised to see a blossom on her Christmas cactus. About the second week in January.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...