Sunday, January 11, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Two

I’m definitely going to have to up my photo game next week – Dr. M took some great pictures, but I was a slacko. On the other hand, that makes this post shorter than it might have been (& it’s not very short). Ha!

Sunday, January 4th
Thank goodness Dr. M took this selfie showing off his new cap – otherwise the only picture today might have been my screen shot of my daily walk stats. Ha!

Monday, January 5th  
I took a picture of one of the gifts I gave Dr. M for Christmas. It made me laugh when I saw it so I had to get it for him.

Otis is ready for the winter storm!

It’s started!

Tuesday, January 6th      
Dr. M got up at 3:00 a.m. to see how things were looking – they were looking snowy!

I took this picture when I got up – glad I had the option of working from home!

Snowy back yard.

Our neighbor called us to tell us to check out the sunset – it was fabulous!

Wednesday, January 7th  
Back yardigans.

I laughed when I saw this in the parking lot at choir practice. In Ohio, in addition to the back license plates, cars have them in the front. I totally forget about it & pull up too far on a routine basis – thought it was funny to see evidence of someone else doing that.

The moon!

Thursday, January 8th  
Dr. M had a meeting at school and took these pictures while he was out & about.

I decided that my hat & scarf set needed mittens. These turned out so large that I can put my regular gloves inside them. Ha!

Friday, January 9th  
Trying out a new way to wear my scarf.

The moon!

Saturday, January 10th      
Life in our neighborhood. Gotta say that the baby Jesus looks pretty cold!!

My dad sent us this card & it made me laugh & laugh. Dr. M put it in my office so I see it when I close my laptop – moo!

Hope everyone has a great week!



    And the red barn... ♥ LOL at your neighbors calling you about the sunset! We've had our neighbors knock on our door to alert me to a nice sunset. We must both have the same reputation!

  2. You've really captured the nuances of winter.

  3. seeing all the pictures of snow makes me so happy I am in the south!!! It's been very cold here but no snow!! :) Love your scarfs!

  4. First: Your hair looks so good at this length.
    Don't you just love a red building in the winter when everything is black and white?
    Otis is adorable.
    The cow is a hoot...err.... a moooooo.

  5. I love the sign and the moon and branches photo. otherwise it looks cold and dreary to me. gladd no snow here.

  6. That Dr. M looks like a man who knows how to find shit out. Good selfie.

  7. Lookin lovely and warm in your colorful woolies!
    Dr. M's selfie, stunning! ;-)

  8. I am just amazed by the amount of production that little crochet hook can put out! Also, I think most women can agree with that sign...we're just like that.

    Please don't send the snow east!!


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