Monday, January 26, 2015

In Which Goldilocks Gets a Chair of Her Own

Except I don't actually have gold locks, and I didn't break & enter to try out different chairs. Dr. M called me on his way home from school & asked if I wanted him to stop & pick up the chair we'd decided to get. Of course I said yes - no more shopping for me! So I went from this...

To this (with my wigwam as a chair cover)...

To our first new piece of furniture since 1997!

Oh! Oh! And I didn't even notice in the store - it's a recliner too!

So even though I didn't really want a recliner, I have one & I'm sitting in it right now with my feet up & I love it. Sweet!

Now I'm going to see how it works as a crochet chair...


  1. I miss my recliners. My apartment is too small to fit one but you look fine in yours. I loved mine. It was a Lane Recliner.

  2. We both have recliners and we love them. I knit while in the recliner all the time so I'm sure you can crochet in one. Lovely chair.

    1. I have a great easy chair with ottoman that I have bolstered (it was butt sprung) and I am very happy in it. Bug is SO comfortable in her chair, and I am SO happy!

  3. I knew you were gonna choose a paisley pattern!

  4. Once you've reclined, there's no going back. Enjoy your new friend.

  5. They're also great for falling asleep in while watching TV. Just sayin' :)


  6. I love it! and love the fabric!

  7. How could you have not wanted a recliner!

    1. I guarantee you she loves the recliner now, Ellen, and wonders what she was thinking, lol!

  8. I like your new chair very much. Mostly I like that it IS a recliner, but DOESN'T look like a recliner. They are great to have when you're sick, too, and can't breath. Great for sleeping. We keep talking about getting one, but I don't like the way they look. Love the style of yours. I'm very picky. I need to start looking.

  9. I love that it has legs and a concealed reclining mechanism! It is a great style, and has both stages of recline, so she can even lean all the way back if needed!


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