Friday, December 17, 2010

A Conversation about my Reading Habits Written in the Style of a Poem

In my twenties
I liked a good
bodice ripper –
the more sex
the better.
And (due to an
odd circumstance)
Alistair MacLean.

My thirties
were consumed
by Maeve Binchy
and gentle
Rosamunde Pilcher,
by Stabenow and Paretsky
and Jackson Braun

My forties
know no genre –
I only demand that
the writing be good
and mindlessly

Through it all has
been Nora – whose
tastes have improved
with age too.

So in my fifties
will I perhaps
turn to Joyce
or James
or Coward?
Anything is possible
but I wouldn’t place
any bets
if I were you


  1. Ha. This is great!

    When I was ruminating over what novel I would like to read over Christmas break, Don suggested re-reading Ulysses. I said, "Once is enough, thank you."

  2. Love it! I remember my Danielle Steele days...

  3. LOL Rachel - Nora Roberts is my guilty pleasure. I have read just about every book she's written - except for a few from the early 80s. She is a FINE entertainer.

  4. I like the way you did this! entertainment- Horses and mystery are a fine combination, westerns had their place too.Books about peoples lives
    have always drawn me. Poetry, Art-

  5. In my 40's I feel compelled to read at least one classic for every 8 or 10 fiction books I read. So here I am stuck in Middlemarch, at a snail's pace. Every so often she says something brilliant, but man, do I have to go through a BUNCH of words to get there!

  6. Your tastes mirror mine. I did go through a sick little period of time when I enjoyed many true crime books. I'm glad I gave that up and I recommend avoiding that genre entirely.

  7. Dear The Bug,
    Oh, yes!!! Through it all has been Nora. And man is she great! Getting better every time.

    I'm with you on Paretsky too
    A recent find I much enjoy
    I also like Harry Bosch
    and Mickey Haller. They are children
    Of Michael Connelly's brain
    And well-presented.

    Thanks for the fun!
    Ann T.

  8. Did I miss something, or did you fail to mention your long affair with Dick Francis? There was the year of Armistead Maupin, the dalliance with Jan Karon, and oh, so many others back in the days before blogging :-)

  9. I know! I can't believe I left them out - & Nevada Barr too. And Carl Hiaasen...

  10. I still indulge in Maeve but I'm done with Nora. Her characters have become codified and predictable.

  11. Hmm, not a big fan of the likes of Maeve Binchy, Nora Roberts, et. al. Have been known to peruse a couple of Dick Francises in my time. I love SF, Fantasy, whodunnits and pop science, amongst others. My tastes are more eclectic that they used to be but I refuse to push on with a book just because it's meant to be a classic and somehow worthy. Life's just tooooo short!


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