Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ode to Joe


My brother's a brat
As all brothers are
He always makes me mad
Like when we wash the car

And when we go to stores
Or out to eating places
He runs up and down aisles
Making funny faces

But if he didn't do dumb things
Like fight people or shove 'em
He wouldn't be a normal boy
And because of that I love 'im

Dana Wallace, circa 1976

I don't actually recall my brother being that violent – although we did like to push each other around a bit. And he did make funny faces a lot. And apparently annoyed me when we washed the car. But other than that he was great! Heh.

Happy birthday little brother!


  1. Aw, lovely tribute, love the old wedding pic!

  2. Happy b'day to your brother. Today is my nephew's big 16th!

  3. Lovely birthday wish and great flashback memories of my own 70's photos! Yikes!

    Your brother looks very familiar to me (grown up version). Does he live in the Washington DC area?

  4. In pictures you appear to be one of those ageless women.
    Sweet little poem!
    Happy Birthday to your brother!

  5. I agree with Duta. You do seem ageless. Great poem and photos. I love looking at old photos from the 60's and 70's. And Happy BD to your brother!

  6. Such a sweet poem. Happy birthday to your brother.

  7. Nice tribute there, Bug! Hapy BD to your brother.

  8. Beautiful tribute, love the old photos :)
    Short Poems


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