Sunday, March 6, 2011

Monday Miscellany

Here are some things:

·         I’m still shamelessly promoting the blog post Dr. M did for my birthday. It has all the whimsy I couldn’t manage for my poetry bus poem (I think perhaps I take my pancakes too seriously). Anyway, click here to check out the post.

·         The primrose (mentioned in Saturday’s post) is still alive and well. I just thought I would do a status update on my Monday Miscellaneous posts for those who are interested. Of course, we’ve only had it for 4 days, so it’s early yet.

·         Today’s affirmation (also mentioned on Saturday) was “I am a good person,” and I actually rolled my eyes when I read it. It might take a while for me to get this affirmation business down.

·         I should probably not mention this, but our Christmas tree is still up. I had said I wanted to leave it up until the time changed and it hasn’t changed yet. It changes next week so I’ll get right on taking that tree down then. Maybe. It’s not in the way. Although probably the ornaments need to be dusted.

·         I’m thinking of spending my birthday money on a new pair of comfortable shoes. Someone has recommended Sketchers. What do you guys think – any other good ideas?

·         I have this next week off! I’m spending a couple of days doing things around the house (like not taking down the Christmas tree) & then we’re heading to NC for a few days. I think I mentioned that on my Thankful Thursday post last week. Can you tell I’m excited?

·         I colored my hair. It was supposed to be a good bit lighter than my usual brown, with even lighter highlights. Um, no. Everything is mostly redder. Additionally, pardon my French, but I really suck & doing my own highlights. But, as usual, I don’t really care. I’m looking out from the frame of my hair, not at it most of the day. Heh. At least it amuses Dr. M, and that’s a good thing.

OK, that’s enough stuff. Have a great week!


  1. I fear falling over on one of my ankles, both are damaged from old sports injuries ... wearing sketchers. *aren't they the ones with the higher soles?

  2. Okay, that is seriously the most beautiful hair color I have ever seen....!

    I have a pair of Sketchers Tone Up, or whatever they're called, and they're hard to walk on. Regular Sketchers are great, though.

    You still have your Christmas tree up? In March? Maybe you should just leave it up till Easter. *heh*

  3. I can't vouch for Sketchers, but I can vouch for either Keens or Danskos. Depends on how you want to wear them. Given that you like to walk a bit through nature, I'd buy the Keens. They're ergonomically correct, and when they're caked in mud, take a hose to them, set them out to dry in the sun and in no time, they'll look like new.

    You're right, your sweetyheart wrote a lovely birthday missive to you. How does he get all those birds to talk?

  4. Hair looks good to me. Wish I had a quarter of that amount.

  5. Sketchers are great shoes ! I live in them in warm weather. I like your hair color, I gave up doing anything with mine because of sun exposure and touch ups!

  6. I have no recommendations for shoes as I prefer being barefoot.

  7. nice..i like the hair color...have fun on your trip...and on my way to read your bday post...

  8. Hey, it looks nice! I almost picked up a box of highlights at Walmart this weekend. I'm in dire need of a spring re-do.

  9. Great hair - suits you perfectly!
    You ought to do it professionally, a nice job Dana.

  10. Oh my, Miss HottiePatottie! It's no wonder Dr. M is amused ... I imagine he is quite DELIGHTFULLY amused. (I wonder why I picture him twirling the ends of his 'stache evilly while he eyes you up? LOL)

  11. You make me laugh!

    Not your hair though. Like it!


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