Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thankful Thursday

The things that make life worth living this week:

·         After a number of years of not trying to not get pregnant, my cousin H is pregnant! We are all very thrilled for her & her husband – they’ll be great parents. (P.S. Go here to see a picture from their wedding).

·         Our car did not cost $900 to get fixed. It was only a little over $600. Still a chunk of change, but much better than we had expected.

·         I am in the middle of four books (well, seven if you count devotionals & self-help books). All four of the non-helpful books are mysteries. I’m pretty amazed that when I pick each one up I just fall right into that world with no trouble remembering the plot & the major players. It does, however, make for some interesting dreams. I’m thankful for interesting things to read.

·         After I wrote about my restless nights I’ve had a couple of nights of uninterrupted sleep. And now I’m wondering if my subconscious was waiting for the anniversary of my mom’s death – I needed to keep vigil for the days leading up to that day. It’s an interesting idea, although it’s more likely that I was just adjusting to the time change.

·         I’m looking out the window at storm clouds billowing by, flags whipping in the wind, trees with small signs of life doing some sort of ecstatic dance in the breeze, and I feel amazement that there are people who think all this just happened. I’m a skeptic mostly, but when I consider the vast amazing organism that is the world my skepticism falls away. Let’s try to take care of this gift why don’t we? I’m including the people too. Love your neighbor (even if the neighbor’s dog thinks your driveway is his bathroom) – really!

It’s your turn! What are you thankful for today?


  1. It is all too crazy for me !!!

  2. I'm thankful for that little sheep on your header.

  3. I'm trying to love my neighbor, but he scares me a little. He likes to stand on his porch and yell at non-existent turkeys. I sure hope he doesn't see them in MY yard!

  4. Yay about the car! Awesome. And as usual, I'm thankful for you!

  5. thanks dana for your great list. and for doing this each week!

    bekah - you gave me a laugh at your comment!

  6. Hey there, I'm hopping on the thankful train today!

    Have a great day!

    Love the garden gloves in your picture, glad your getting good use of them!


  7. your last sentence cracked me up after my dog debacle (posted today) what if it is your dog and she poops all over your house? yes, I still love her!!!!

  8. seven books...omgoodness. i'm such a pitiful reader...i have got to finish bs&k's book so we can forward it on in her i said, i'm a sluggard reader

  9. I am thankful for nice bloggers today.


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