Saturday, March 5, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Ten

We don’t have quite as many nature shots this week, but I’m pretty sure we’ll make up for it next week. Stay tuned!
Sunday, February 27th      
This is a reenactment. I stood in the grocery store & looked like this for perhaps 30 seconds.

And then I reached out and put this in my shopping cart. Oh happy day! Sun Drop is a favorite drink from NC and I am just ecstatic that they’ve started selling it up here. Now if we can just get Cheerwine & livermush my life will be complete. On the other hand, these are things that make my hometown unique – what happens if they’re available everywhere? Does that mean that nowhere is special anymore? Hmm. For now I’ll just be excited for my new drink & try to remember that it has twice as much caffeine as my usual tipple (Kroger Big K Diet Citrus Drop).

Monday, February 28th  
I took this on my way home from work. I kept squinting at the clouds because they seemed out of focus, but I finally decided that it wasn’t my eyes – they were just fuzzy clouds.

My friend Jayne sent me a list of affirmations after she read this post. I printed them out & cut them into little cards. I’m going to try to focus on one a day. Today’s is I am made in God’s image.

Tuesday, March 1st
Oh man my favorite Easter food. Really – you can keep the ham and the scalloped potatoes, give me a Cadbury Crème Egg. Sigh.

I can’t believe I’m sharing this. It’s the State of the Bug picture this week. Do you know what I’m doing? Lisa does :) I’ll post the answer in the comments on Monday.

Wednesday, March 2nd
Although we’ve had warmer temps there are still patches of ice on some of the ponds. For some reason, the swan in this picture makes me think of Nessie.

Dr. M caught this picture of a light-colored red-tailed hawk on his way home from school.

LOVE the blue sky in this picture. Although Dr. M felt a bit like he was being strafed while he took it.

Thursday, March 3rd      
It was my birthday! The ladies at work gave me this precious (and delicious) cake, a card and a primrose plant. Thank goodness Dr. M has a green thumb – hopefully we can get it to thrive in our home. Dr. M did a great post for my birthday - you should definitely check it out. He's a nut :)

Dr. M took this picture of doves in our back yard. I hadn’t really noticed before how pretty they are.

Friday, March 4th
Dr. M took some pictures that show that spring really is on its way. But first, here is a picture from January.

And here is the same place yesterday. Love the gushing water.

Flowers! I’m so excited! Maybe we’ll have flowers in our yard soon. But they’re calling for snow flurries on Sunday, so maybe not too soon.

Saturday, March 5th
Today is a rainy day. Yesterday was rainy too – some areas around us are having flooding issues.

Dr. M took this picture of our “Geranium Farm” – it’s the plant we’ve raised from a can (a Christmas gift one year). I think it’s just a little bit out of control. It will probably get quite a pruning when we take it outside again.

Here are its humble beginnings – this picture is from April 2007.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. sneezing?

    and what cute yellow flowers. never seen their like before. do you know what they are?

  2. Happy Birthday! I'm going to have to guess you just put your tired feet in a foot tub of hot, but that's what my face looks like:) Have a great week.

  3. The little yellow flowers are yellow or winter aconites (eranthis hyemalis), I believe. There were also snowdrops nearby!

  4. Bug,
    Oh, my gosh!! That geranium is the most impressive thing I've seen all day. Not kidding.

    I've never heard of Sun Drop or Cheerwine or livermush. I need to get out more, but I'm happy for you.

    I think what you wrote about it being unique to your hometown and – "What happens if they’re available everywhere? Does that mean that nowhere is special anymore?," is pretty profound. When I used to wish Christmas was everyday, my mother told me it wouldn't be special anymore.

  5. I have somehow managed to refrain from buying the Cadbury eggs- so far!! They are so gross and oh so good at the same time.

    Love the affirmation idea. I may copy you!

  6. I think you're SINGING!!! Along with American Idol???? Looks like a very intense musical moment... (Cant wait to see the answer)

    GGIIIRRRRLLLLL - I'm so addicted to Cadbury Eggs. I saw they had them out on CHRISTMAS EVE - NO JOKE! - & I flipped out. I LIVE for those little mouthfuls of chocolate & creamy center... mmmm.. I load up too for when the Easter season is over. I feel so paniced when they're gone!!!!

    I love the affirmations!!!!

    And Happy Birthday again. I love birthday cake... Can I just say I'm a sugar-addict?

  7. Happy Birthday! I will take sweets over ham and potatoes any day also. I skipped 2 meals yesterday so I could have a 400 calorie donut. Hope your Birthday was fun!

  8. well done on the plant - we usually manage to kill them.

    Were you sneezing in that photo?

  9. Chopping onions?

    I'm a little envious of the hearty flowers in your neck of the woods. While we had a big rain and snow melt yesterday morning, last night we got another 3 inches of snow.

    I'm trying to be patient about our own signs of spring. In the meantime, I'll just keep visiting to see yours.

  10. Happy Birthday, a few days late!

    My husband loves Cadbury creme eggs, but I have managed not to visit the stores too much recently and didn't know they were out yet. Guess I'll be buying some for him soon.

    I have no idea what that face is all about and hope I remember to pop by tomorrow to find out.

  11. disrespect interned but YUCK!

    Belated Happy Birthday!!!!!

    Great week, love the bird bath, I want one for my yard in the worst way!

    Have a great week.

  12. Looks like a great birthday week! Primrose are supposed to be easy to grow, but I managed to kill several of them. I hope you'll do better.

    Have a great week,

  13. I hope that you had a great birthday...your cake sure looked yummy. Don't you love it when things that we love become available where we are. My husband about danced a jig when Mcdonald's started selling sweet tea. He is from the Virginia and NC and loves the stuff.

  14. I am BEYOND ready for Spring!!! Hope you had a happy birthday! So sweet!!! And I have NO idea what you are doing there! NO IDEA!!!

  15. I look so forward to the bird pictures each week.

  16. Happy Birthday!! Loved the post by Dr. M, cute & sweet.

  17. Although Rebecca Jo is correct that it LOOKS like I'm singing, I'm actually sneezing :) And let me tell you, getting a picture of your own self sneezing is HARD. Try it sometime!

  18. Oh man! I have finished laughing and now I'm just grinning! Thank you! I feel so special that you got a sneezing picture for me. Oh wait...I'm laughing might carry on all day.

    Happy Birthday and happy trails. You are good about making the trek to NC!

    And yes, you are a good person, though I think I'd be rolling my eyes reading that about me, too.

    Happy laid back week to you!

  19. Happy Belated Birthday...and I would have never guessed you were sneezing... and that you took the picture yourself... that is amazing!
    I have never heard of that drink... I am going to have to check it out.
    Have a great week!

  20. your sneezing!!!! How did you get that picture of yourself?! too funny!!

    Happy birthday!!!!

  21. The Sun Drop look cracked me up. I think I've had that exact same look when I wander by something that I haven't seen and WANT. Of course, then there better not be anyone in front of me when I go to grab it :).

    Now if I could just find those orange Hostess cakes...

  22. You're a great actress, Bug.
    The geranium is amazing! I wonder if I could grow one too.

  23. I see that winter aconite!! Yay! Don't eat it, it's poisonous!

    And I love seeing the photos of you!


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2024 Project 365 – Week Forty-one

Here I sit in my bathrobe, which I flang on top of my jacket, because this little Bug got her flu & Covid vaccines yesterday. I always t...