I find that I don’t know what to do with myself since I finished up the ABC series. Did that series use up all my words? Well, maybe, but that won’t stop me from using some now. Here are some bullet points:
• Last night Dr. M & I looked out the door & saw snow! As my Facebook status said, these were my first flakes of the season (not counting my family from last week). Hardy har. I still get excited when I see snow – this emotion is left over from when I was a kid in North Carolina and snow seemed very rare. As long time readers of this blog know, I don’t actually like cold weather very much, and by February the excitement will have dimmed quite a bit. However, I have a new penguin toboggan that I can’t wait to wear (that’s what we call it where I’m from - do you call a knitted cap a toboggan?)
• Speaking of regional differences, do you say that you are ON line at the grocery store or IN line? I say that I’m in line & I think it sounds really weird to say on line. But as I examine what the words mean I don’t really know that my way is better or worse – it’s just what I’m used to.
• This year when my doctor called to say that they needed to take further pictures because they saw something on my mammogram I decided to not freak out like last year. I didn’t announce it on Facebook or my blog, telling only a handful of folks about it. And I really did seriously feel very calm. I went for the additional mammogram on Monday & they didn’t see anything at all. Apparently when they squinched me the first time it caused some sort of false lump. This time with the extra squinching (ow! ow! ow!) there was nothing there. That was a nice reward for my feeling of serenity.
• I just saw someone walk by with three inch heels on. I looked down at them because she was walking kind of funny so I wanted to see her shoes. You know, it’s not sexy when you have to walk sort of pigeon toed because your shoes are too tall. Of course, I’m a fine one to talk – if I were to try to wear something like that I’d fall over, which I assure you is even more not sexy. Ha!
Well, I’m going to just throw this on out there. You’ll probably see more drivel like this as I feel my way back toward blogging.
P.S. If you look at my sidebar you can see what I’m reading. I’m fairly certain that none of these books will have me sobbing at the end. Fairly certain.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
2011 Project 365 – Week Forty-Eight
I’m running late this week – we drove
back from NC yesterday & I wasn’t feeling very coherent (which is why I wrote a
poem instead – ha!).
November 20th
I was worried that I had stopped being able to take pictures, but we finally figured out that
something is wrong with one of our DSLR lenses – however I think it’s appropriate
that my baking efforts are kind of blurry. Ha!
November 21st
Dr. M took this spooky picture.
And then he saw this hawk!
November 22nd
The State of the Bug. Oh
merciful heavens I was quite undone
by the end of The Book Thief. It was
an excellent book – beautifully written.
And the audio book was quite well narrated. But it was kind of sad, as you can
On a happier note, Dr. M took a
picture of a deer with raised eyebrows – wonder what it was thinking?
I finally used the Shutterfly
gift certificate that I won from Sara – I made a calendar for Dr. M’s birthday.
One of Dr. M’s students gave him
this lovely wall hanging.
November 23rd
We drove to NC today. I took
this picture of a truck in front of us – makes me smile to see my name on
Dr. M took this picture of me
while I was driving.
November 24th
We visited Dr. M’s mother’s grave today.
We had lunch with Dr. M’s brother & his family. I think
these guys look pretty darn content. If you want to see them from the front,
check out this
On the way back to my dad’s house we saw one of the local
flocks. Some of them are wearing coats!
November 25th
Dr. M took a picture of a donkey.
While he was spending time with his
dad & brother I went shopping with my sister-in-law. This is her terribly
cute little car.
I posted this picture last
week, but I wanted to share it again here. Cracks. Me. Up.
Dr. M doing what we spend far
too much time doing at my dad’s house – ha!
November 26th
We had lunch with my family today. Here’s Amy laughing at
the dessert table.
Dr. M.
My niece trying to get my nephew to throw her into the air.
She is quite an accomplished cheerleader. Go check her out here. I’ll be asking
you to vote for her on Thursday – stay tuned!
My cousin J and some of the kids playing after lunch – looks like
they had a great time.
Here’s the whole crew.
Dr. M took some pictures around Daddy & Amy’s house. We’re
wondering what his first plant is – it’s a volunteer that comes back every year
& produces a single leaf. Odd.
Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of
all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!
Most of our photos are taken with a 12
megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that
Dr. M takes with him most days. We also take pictures with our old reliable 7
megapixel Canon Powershot A710. This is the camera that the Bug uses most of the time.
If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The Short Couch
The Short Couch
“This,” my
father said,
as he moved
it into
my first
“is not a
love seat.
It’s a short
I, a not
very sober
seminary student,
just smiled.
What daddies
don’t know
can’t hurt
This is a Magpie Tale. If
you’re looking for my Project 365 post it will be up tomorrow night.
Friday, November 25, 2011
The State of My Brain
I went shopping with B today (thanks B!) (at a civilized hour- noonish) and saw this at JC Penney:
I wonder if they would have noticed if had I decided to join them?
I wonder if they would have noticed if had I decided to join them?
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
It’s the first day of the rest of my life…
the alphabet getting in my way. Boy, that was … interesting. But I kind of
liked it even though I would definitely choose different words the next time.
now that I’m free to talk about whatever I want, what shall I say? We’re well
down the runway of the “holiday” season and just about ready for liftoff. But
I’m not ready! I ignored all the Christmas stuff in the stores – put there
before Halloween for heaven’s sake. I tried to turn my ears off in a store two
weeks ago when I heard Christmas carols over the loudspeaker. I have resisted
every thought of purchasing gifts. Can we just go back & sit in the airport
lounge for a while?
have a plan. This week is Thanksgiving here in the U.S. I’m going to stuff
myself silly. In fact, I’m well on my way – our Vestry & stewardship
committee served us Thanksgiving dinner at church last Sunday. And then we’ll
be with Dr. M’s family on Thursday & my family on Saturday. That is a LOT
of turkey. And pie. At least I hope it’s a lot of pie.
to my plan. After I recover from my T-Day torpor I am going to spend some time
each day thinking and reading about Advent. Just to remind myself of the reason
for the season. And to slow things down a bit. And everyone is getting gift
cards (or donations in their name to Episcopal Relief
& Development – they have matching gifts through the end of November!).
It’s Dr. M’s turn to write the annual Christmas poem so all I have to do is address
the envelopes.
all sounds manageable. We’ll see how it goes.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Mixed Metaphors
I’m a brunette.
No yellow hair here –
not even on my belly.
So it should be no surprise
that I didn’t turn tail,
that I decided to stick –
that I turned into
your arms
instead of
This is a Magpie Tale and part of my ABC's of Gratitude series.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
choices for X were kind of limited. I thought about using Xmas & giving my
speech about how the X is NOT crossing Christ out of Christmas, but that’s a
rant for another day.
1980, did you know at the time that we were going to mock you so? I think you
1980 I was in high school, and I was one of those unkissed boy crazy girls who
goes to the prom with a girlfriend. I was making plans for my life based on my
expected spinsterhood, and tormenting my mother with my superior knowledge of
language. I was churchy and bookish and a mostly A student who didn’t really
apply herself very much. And while I thought Sandy was cute and all, I secretly
wanted to be Rizzo. On the other hand I was appalled that Sandy had to change
herself to get the guy. Wait, why am I talking about Grease?
![]() |
Is it 10th Grade Bug? Or Mattie from (the original) True Grit? You make the call! |
Why does Xanadu make me thankful? I look back at that girl and, while I’m grateful for her, I’m so thankful to not be her anymore! She envisioned a different life than the one I have now. Her idea of heaven wasn’t the same as mine. I wonder what she would have thought if she had looked down that long road and seen me at the end of it? She might have been horrified, but I know Xanadu when I see it.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
2011 Project 365 – Week Forty-Seven
Happy birthday to my sweetie! We
had a pretty low-key celebration, as you will see.
November 13th
Dr. M’s birthday! He doesn’t
really go for cake, so he had a birthday pumpkin spice muffin from Tim Hortons
for breakfast.
Look – it’s a celebratory
squirrel! He thought that he should
have “cake” for Dr. M’s birthday!
Late in the evening – the State
of the Bug. Tess from Willow Manor had been talking about bringing back the
head scarf so I thought I’d give it a go.
November 14th
Dr. M took some great pictures
today. I’m only sharing a few here including this teaser:
November 15th
Dr. M called to say he was on
his way home. We discussed the fact that neither of us had taken any pictures
today – so he took these on his way home. Ha!
November 16th
It’s the Tax Time Pig! Don’t ask
me what he’s wearing – I’m just the photographer.
I participated in an annual
ritual today. Can you tell what it was?
Does this help? They always mark
my moles so they don’t look suspicious on the scans.
November 17th
I wore fuzzy socks to work today. No, they do not match my outfit. But they were warm.
And fuzzy.
Dr. M took a picture of the Mad River Air Strip - if you miss the strip you hit the river!
November 18th
I was being goofy at work (I
know, hard to imagine). I had George the Rock as my computer wallpaper (remember
that Dr. M made George last year at school).
I decided to switch it to one of
the sheep pictures Dr. M took on Monday. Makes me crack up every time I see it.
Dr. M took a picture of the half
Alis-Chalmers tractor
One of the ponds he passes.
A flotilla.
November 19th
Dr. M fixing the mower so he can get one last use out of it
this year. We really need a new one, but we wanted to wait until next season.
Looks like he was successful!
Look what we got the other week! I almost can’t wait for
really cold weather to wear it. Almost. I was laughing because we keep that
rack-o-winter stuff in the closet until winter. Dr. M got it out yesterday to
look for my gloves (thanks Sweetie!) & left it there. I did not notice the thing until in the
wee hours of the night when I got up to go to the bathroom. I am a most unobservant person. Heh.
Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of
all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!
Most of our photos are taken with a 12
megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that
Dr. M takes with him most days. We also take pictures with our old reliable 7
megapixel Canon Powershot A710. This is the camera that the Bug uses most of the time.
If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask!
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2025 Project 365 – Week Nine
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