Wednesday, November 9, 2011


My idea of a perfect weekend is one with no plans whatsoever. I much prefer to go with the flow, letting serendipity run its course.

On the other hand, my natural inclination to do nothing means that I miss out on experiences that I would probably enjoy.

There is a space between sloth and overwhelmed by obligations. I would like to inhabit that space a little more comfortably.

It would probably help if I didn’t give everything the stink eye. Girls’ Night Out? Too much trouble. Symphony? Too much trouble. Yoga once a week? Too much trouble.

This week I’m making plans & participating in life. I did (modified for decrepit individuals) yoga on Monday. Dr. M & I are attending a symphony performance on Sunday. And, well, I’m skipping Girls’ Night Out but it’s because I’m participating in a church meeting instead.

See? That wasn’t so bad – I can make plans. I’ll probably need a week to recuperate, but baby steps people! Baby steps! 


  1. Sometimes we need to be pulled kicking and screaming out of our comfort zone.

  2. You sound like me! I fully sympathize.

  3. ah the best laid plans of mice...

    plans are good to have at a high level, a general thing to be aiming for - but they need the flexibility at the low level to go with the flow

    btw - if you were thinking that the first sentence should have ended ...and men, then i think you'll find that the mice have very strong feelings on the issue :)

  4. You got a lot of P's in there!
    I was told if I am striving to be a mature human, I need balance !
    I try not to project ( feelings
    get stretched) I enjoy spontaneous
    and offset that with contributing
    something productive...Heehee.

  5. LOL Izzy - that was totally unintentional!

  6. There is a space between sloth and overwhelmed by obligations. I would like to inhabit that space a little more comfortably. This is ME! Hope your week gives you lots of gratification.

  7. I don't like for my dance card to be too full, either. Doing that leaves too little time for knitting. That said, I have to squeeze in Full Moon Movie Night sometime this weekend. Will it be Eddie Murphy or Leonardo DiCaprio? Decisions, decisions.

  8. While I like Leo quite a bit, I think I'd have to go with Eddie - more my kind of movie :)


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