Saturday, November 5, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Forty-Five

Another week of gorgeous fall foliage. And critters!
Sunday, October 30th    
Dr. M worked all day on his Tenure & Promotion binders. I got to work on the index tabs! They’re all turned in now – here’s hoping his tenure goes through without any hitches.

Monday, October 31st – Halloween!
Dr. M took a couple of beautiful pictures on his way home from school.

Here we are getting ready to hand out candy. The State of the Bug – Arrggh!

Tuesday, November 1st  
I had a flat tire when I went to leave work on Tuesday. Fortunately I’ve had a slow leak for a while, so Dr. M has been keeping the electric pump in the car. So I fixed it myself! Ha! He took it to get the tire repaired on Wednesday, so hopefully I won’t have to be that resourceful again in a while.

This made me laugh. While Dr. M waited for me to come home he saw this squirrel on our hedge outside the front window. The squirrel was diving under the green Halloween cobwebs to eat the red berries growing on the hedge. Cracked me up.

Wednesday, November 2nd
Dr. M captured some fall color (yes, this is the same caption I had last week on Wednesday).

Thursday, November 3rd         
Dr. M saw a deer dashing across the road – it was a blur of motion!

The horse, on the other hand, was the opposite of a blur.

Friday, November 4th
I don’t usually think of crows as being beautiful, but this picture is pretty beautiful!

More fall color. I know, it’s so boring, isn’t it?

My rose is still blooming – so pretty.

Saturday, November 5th
I went to a craft fair this morning – mostly to support my friend Bekah who is trying to raise some money to pay medical bills. Here’s some of my loot.

And then I got these. Well, could you have resisted?

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. We also take pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710. This is the camera that the Bug uses most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask!


  1. Look at you all piratical!

    And, lo, I remember those tenure and promotion folders and working with the Director when that time came around for all the of luck to the Doc!

    And, as always, beautiful pictures - esp what with the fall colors and all.

  2. I also enjoyed the pictures. Long ago I was employed as a teacher but all the paperwork eventually got to me. Not enough time to spend with the students.

  3. I always love your week full of photographs. Fingers crossed for successs with the tenure.

  4. I love your costumes!

    The photos, as usual are all lovely!

  5. Squirrels are so resourceful!

    I love that you dressed up to hand out candy. Did you get many trick-or-treaters? We had none here, but apparently Halloween isn't a very big deal in London.

  6. you guys have definately got a pirate fixation going on

    The deer shots are wonderful, but i love the autumnal leaves

  7. Looks at you fixing flat tires! I'm totally impressed!

    I love seeing all the seem to be in a nice country area to see it without other houses and such blocking. Beautiful!

  8. The deer and the crow stand out but I do the state of the bug pics each week!

  9. those green cobwebs looked suspiciously like snow to me. the fall color is awesome but I'll take no fall color for 200 hundred Bob in exchange for no snow.

  10. Hope you had lots of trick-or-treaters to threaten :) Y'all look rather menacing! LOL
    We got home too late for the kiddos in our neighborhood, which suited me fine. We were too wiped out from our travels to be handing out candy.
    Luuuuuurve all your fall photos! So pretty. That squirrel is so full of himself, isn't he? :) He doesn't care who's watching, just don't get between him and those berries!

  11. Fall leaves and color are never boring. Loved the squirrel pictures and you guys on Halloween night. You will have to see my Madame Marie LaBeaux on my saturday project....I did a fortune teller routine at the local schools Fall Festival.

  12. How the heck do you all capture all the animals in nature? That's amazing! Especially of the deer!! And I'm convinced you have the squirrels trained to look at your camera :)

  13. you make a great pirate!!!

    I can't believe he got that picture of the deer...way to go!!

    I LOVE all the pictures of your fall colors!!! so beautiful!!

  14. Beautiful fall color, I think the color this fall has been amazing!

    Those cup cakes looked too wonderful, I hope they tasted as good as they looked!


  15. You are both amazing photographers. Are you sure you are in the right occupation? Just think, no tenure trials for Dr. M!
    We were out of town so couldn't welcome trick-or-treaters with my man-mask ;)
    Enjoy your week!

  16. Yum to those cupcakes. Wow! You and Mr. M look so cute as pirates. love it when adults dress up. CUTE. Adorable squirrel too.


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