Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Project 365 – Week Fifty-Two Too

Well, 2011 is almost over. I have no good or bad feelings about the year (although my hip surgery was pretty cool). It was a year of trying to pay down debt and trying to be productive in our jobs. It was a year of singing in the choir and influencing the youth of today (guess who did which of those – ha!). It was a year of poetry for both of us. It was a year of many many many pictures which brought us much joy. I’m kind of hoping that 2012 brings more of the same (minus the surgery).

So, Happy New Year to you & yours!

P.S. Since week one of this year had just one day in it we’ve ended up with an “extra” week. I’ve decided to call it Week Fifty-Two Too, because it sure ain’t week one of 2012. Of course, I could do like I did last year & call it Week 53 – ha!

Sunday, December 25th    
Merry Christmas – again! I shared a couple of pictures from this day last week, but decided to put a few bunch more on this week’s post too. First up, Christmas birds! Dr. M took these pictures at my dad’s house.

Another picture of my gift from Dr. M – I’m loving the Burt’s Bees stuff.

My sister-on-law gave Dr. M this sheep pez dispenser, which he hooked on his rear view mirror. Now he really does have sheep wherever he goes. This is my first unsuccessful attempt at a picture – did you know that things dangling from rear view mirrors move while the car is moving?

These are from the sing-along at Dr. M’s uncle & aunt’s house. The State of the Bug – caroling!

 Monday, December 26th
Rasta sheep. I really love how sheep always stare when you take their picture. To see more sheep and other pictures, check out Dr. M’s blog post here – you’ll enjoy it, promise!

Check out this post to find out what this picture is all about.

Tuesday, December 27th
Driving back to Ohio today – and guess what we saw?

And ducks.

My second unsuccessful attempt to take a picture of the pez sheep – isn’t it cool?

Wednesday, December 28th
A squirrel picture for Ellen.

Thursday, December 29th
Dr. M documented some interesting sparrow activity today. Aren’t these about the coolest pictures ever?

Click on the picture below to enlarge it - go ahead - it's just such a great shot (to me anyway):

Friday, December 30th  
Synchronized squirrels – too cute.

The Tax Time Pig is tired!

As I was leaving work I saw a double rainbow, which basically “followed” me all the way home – and then I saw the ends of a full rainbow when I drove into town. Fabulous! Of course, I couldn’t get a great picture of any of the phenomena…

Saturday, December 31st – The Last Day of the Year   
I plan to go put a poem in a shop later this afternoon, but I’ll do a separate post for that. For now, here are a couple of pictures from this morning. Our little tree has attracted quite the following lately!

And, finally, a decent picture of the pez sheep. I know that you were hoping that I’d get one. Ha!

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. We also take pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710. This is the camera that the Bug uses most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask!


  1. Love the birds on a wire! I'm so glad you continued with P365. I fell off the wagon, but plan to pick it back up again tomorrow!

  2. Great pictures, as always. Looking forward to more of them in the months to come. Happy New Year!

  3. Love your Charlie Brown Tree!!! HOW CUTE!!!! I also loved the bird & squirrel pics. Happy New Year.

  4. Love the photos. Happy New Year Dana!

  5. had to laugh at the "rasta sheep" ... I love everything about sheep & lamps... except eating them, I should say :)

  6. 3rd time is a charm, right?!

    so how do you get your pictures to extend off the side like that?

    I am with the tax time pig....zzzzz!

    Happy New year!

  7. Looks like a great was had. What instrument is Dr M playing there?

  8. You get the best wildlife shots!

    So glad you're continuing with P365! Me too :) Hopefully I'll do better than 2011 :(


  9. I loved the birds shots. Especially the three early on in the week. Tax time pig, the sheep...I love them. I look so forward to them each week. Dr. M plays the dulcimer? If I knew this I had forgotten....that is way cool! Looking forward to 2012 and Project 365 with you again. Happy New Year!

  10. I really need to get in the car with my fiber, spinning wheel, spindles and carders and show the two of you what you can really do with those sheep you love so much. Before long, you'll want your own--tools and sheep! Love that PEZ dispenser!

    Happy New Year!

  11. I never tire of watching birds!

    Love the birds on the wire.....

    Can't believe the year is over and a another one is in the's to another 365 in pictures my friend!

  12. Sara - I use the extra large choice in picture size (when you click on the picture it lets you pick). I usually do it when I have a picture that's pretty wide, but not very tall.

  13. OH!! In those first two "pictures" of the Pez sheep, I couldn't tell that it wasn't like regular Pez dispensers. I just assumed it was. I've NEVER seen a Pez dispenser that is furry like that!! And I've seen a whole bunches of Pez dispensers in my time--because I have a brother who collected them for YEARS!! I've seen some pretty weird ones, but this one's new to me. I'll have to forward your post on to him to see if he freaks out over wanting a fuzzy sheep!! heh heh

  14. beautiful bird pictures!!
    glad you had a merry Christmas!

  15. Great week! Love the pics of the pez sheep and glad to finally see what it actually looks like! lol All the Burt's Bees stuff is A-WE-WOME!! Hope you have a blessed 2012!

  16. Beautiful birds...even so late in the season. I need a bird feeder. Love burt's bees stuff awesome. Happy New Year.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...