Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just Random Stuff Falling out of my Head

I'm working on another Poem in a Shop poem & I have this great idea, but I think that perhaps I should sleep on it. My great ideas could often use a little beauty sleep. If I don't use it I'll probably share it with you guys anyway because why should Dr. M & I be the only ones to suffer?

For reasons that I will not discuss here, but most women will understand, I have a feeling of impending doom, mixed with downtroddenness and a desire for more sleep than usual. This will pass, but not before I've complained to everyone within reach. If we were talking about alcohol we might say that I'm not a pleasant drunk.

On the plus side we had the kind of snow flurries that I like - pretty-ish and no accumulation. Here's a picture of December 7 last year:

And here is one from today:

I think I'll just spend some time meditating on that second picture until the blahs go away. That will work, won't it?


  1. Great posts, Bug. I hope your focus on today's weather will spread to us.

  2. I do love that landscape in the second shot! Hope your blahs pass, but sometimes blahs are great fuel for artistry, right?

  3. I think there's a term for what you've got--the desire to cocoon.

  4. anything is worth a try - hope you feel less blah later x

  5. I pretty landscape is always a pick-me-up, for me at least. Hope it works for you, too. :)


  6. I like the comparison photo!

    Now...the sun is shining today and I cannot TELL YOU HOW NEEDED it is!!!


  7. Hope your blues have faded. 'Tis the season, I'm afraid. That landscape is gorgeous.

  8. What is it called? SAD? Seasonal Affective Disorder. (I had to Google it.) I'd say a trip to, oh, say the Cayman Islands out to fix you right up.

  9. That is to say, "ought" to fix you right up.

  10. That second photo cheered me up too, I think it's a kind of hibernation fatigue this time of year, be nice to go to sleep until Spring:)

  11. Normally only lasts 3 days for me, though husband and children have to take shelter. And I had two sherries tonight, because it's what you do at Christmastime!

  12. I like the snowy photo myself, but only if it's in your backyard and not mine. I think I'm still suffering the snowtigue from last winter.

    Can't wait to see your next Poem in a Shop. Does the aisle you were shopping in have anything to do with the way you feel today? Sigh.


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