Monday, December 19, 2011

Knock! Knock!

Nothing but crickets... My brain is consumed by finishing up at work, making sure I pack everything, and preparing myself mentally for extensive time spent with family (you know I love you people, but that's a lot of interacting!).

I may come up with something really important to discuss here even tomorrow, but I'm going with the probability of no. So, I'm sure I'll do my Project 365 post this weekend, and I know I'll post our annual Christmas poem (written by Dr. M this year - it's our 20th and it's fabulous), but other than that I'll see you guys next week.

I'll leave you with this Christmas tableau - it should tide you over.

The Bug household, where penguins and sheep live together in peace.


  1. Is that the famous Charlie Brown Christmas tree I see?

  2. It is, Stephen! With the addition of a Betty Boop ornament, sporting a rather enticing outfit and showing off her tat. Happy Holidays, indeed :-D

  3. Hi Bug and Dr M - Many thanks for your friendship throughout the year. Have a great Christmas and see you on the other side

  4. Love your Christmas arrangement, Have fun this Christmas and talk to you the other side of it:)

  5. That is the best Baa (!) Humbug tree I have ever seen! LOL ♥

  6. ONLY in your home could they get along :) Enjoy your busy pre-Christmas week!

  7. Somehow, I am enormously cheered by the thought of penguins and sheep living in peace.

  8. Showing off her...what? Oh! Can't be too careful with that vowel selection.

    Such a companionable penguin,too, with one flipper amiably placed over the sheep in "comfort and joy."

  9. I was once foster aunt of a black sheep named Rapunzel, but it was stupid and ate styrofoam. Still, I have a soft spot for sheep.
    I laughed at Mr. Angela (don`t let him hear that!). Have a happy Christmas time, and don`t mind the family, they all try their best.

  10. Penguins, sheep and Peanuts! Awesome!

    Have a great holiday. :)

  11. Maybe they all get along because Lucy is providing all with therapy. Merry Christmas!


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