Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Come ye thankful people come… Can you believe it’s Thursday again already? Let’s see what I’m thankful for this week.

·         We had a really good visit with our families in NC. At least the ones who weren’t in New Orleans (you know who you are). I’m just sorry that I was such a slug & didn’t visit more people while I was there (thinking of Aunt V & Mimi especially). But we’ll probably be back in a couple of months so I’ll try to do better next time.

·         Today was such a beautiful day! I didn’t go out at lunch because it was still gray & sputtery, but later in the afternoon all these fluffy clouds showed up in a bright blue sky. I had to wear my sunglasses on the way home!

·         I’m thankful that when I got home I wandered around our yard for just a bit, and even cleaned up the front flowerbed somewhat. I used the gloves that Robin sent me.

·         Dr. M is on his way home from school – he’s teaching a late class on Wednesdays now. I enjoy having some time to myself in the house, but I’m always so glad when he comes home.

·         The primrose still seems to be doing well, in case you were wondering. I’m glad Dr. M is taking care of it because I remember that I have a plant about every third day.

·         I have been so busy this week at work! I’m thankful that I have a job, and that it doesn’t look like it’s in danger of going away any time soon.

It’s your turn! What are you thankful for today?


  1. For about 15 minutes today, I pondered turning the air conditioner on in the car. I talked myself out of it, though, and enjoyed a little spring time warmth.

    I'm thankful I get to see a full moon in perigree this weekend. I'm not working, so I'm actually looking forward to this event. The forecast is for clear skies.

  2. I am thankful for a news I am not supposed to share yet.
    And for my duck-friend with the crooked leg (HumpelKumpel) who has returned to our pond.
    I am thankful for blog posts which make me smile. Thanks Dana!

  3. Grateful, right now:
    Hot yellow mug to put my coffee in
    the noisy rooster thrilling in my yard
    about fresh eggs and sunrise!
    for drying spackle, so we may prime
    the kitchen wall.
    for glowing embers in our stove
    and wood to go on them,
    kleenex, coocoo clocks
    and ivy plants draping from a mounded pot.
    Fresh fruit for breakfast
    healthy family and two vehicles that run!

  4. I'm thankful for my job. I'm thankful for Spring break and that my daughter is away for the week. I'm thankful for the beautiful weather, even it will be 80 today. :o)

  5. We were so needing this beautiful weather, huh? Glad your trip was fun and you are back safely!

  6. I think "Come Ye Thankful People Come" might just be one of my favorite hymns. I'm thankful for it, today.


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