Saturday, March 12, 2011

Project 365 - Week Eleven

We had so many pictures this week that I just gave up & only picked a few for each day. If you’d like to see more (especially of the sheep) go to Dr. M’s blog – he has three recent posts with a lot of great pictures.

Sunday, March 6th      

Robin in the back yard (not this Robin – I’ll mention her later).

Dr. M & I went on a ramble after church. And look what we found! I’m only putting one sheep picture here because Dr. M used a number of them on his blog.

We saw this sinister individual sitting on a fence post.

Later in the day we had a customer at the bird bath. Despite the bit of snow we’d had overnight the bird bath is at last free of ice – whoopee!

Monday, March 7th  

I won a prize from Robin at Be Still and Know (told ya I’d be talking about her). Look at all these goodies! She gave me a choice of Jelly Belly flavors & I picked Toasted Marshmallow & Juicy Pear – yum! Thanks Robin!

Monday night I worked on this poem. I don’t usually do these in pen anymore, but that night Dr. M was watching an interesting documentary & I couldn’t concentrate (usually I can ignore the documentaries – heh). So I printed out what I had, went into the back office & then went to town. This doesn’t even show the final version – I worked some more on it on the computer before I was finished.

Tuesday, March 8th
Even though this is spring break Dr. M had to go to school for a meeting. He decided to check on this guy on his way home.

Wednesday, March 9th
We drove to NC today. This is what it looked like most of the way down.

But look what greeted us when we walked in the door – flowers from Daddy & Amy’s yard.

Thursday, March 10th      
I went to lunch with my cousin KJ. Yes, we went to Atlanta Bread again & yes I got the same salad. I think this might be a tradition now.

It was rainy off & on all day. During a brief off period I went out to take pictures of some of the flowers in the yard.

Dr. M went out that evening to get this shot of the moon – lovely!

Friday, March 11th

Birds from Daddy & Amy’s yard – who is this brown-headed one?

And flowers from the yard.

I went with Dr. M to see his mom in the nursing home (she’s doing pretty well these days & still loves to see him come in the room). On the way there we saw burros & sheep. There were lambs!

I took this picture of a plum tree in his father’s yard. We had a good visit there with his brother & his dad.

Saturday, March 12th

Today I went in search of the crocuses I had ordered from Daddy. Success!

Dr. M went roaming the yard and took a picture of this guy landing on the feeder.

And this one is guarding his arts & crafts home.

Go to Sara’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. These pictures are beyond AWESOME....all of them!!!! I love the flowers:) Have a GREAT week!

  2. I.WANT.SPRING!!!! All those flowers are making me crave it even more.

    I love a salad with chinese noodles on them.. mmm....

  3. say, are those sheep...gamboling?

    beautiful birds and flowers.

    some excellent photos.


    I LOVE the picture of the momma and baby sheep together in the grass!!!


    Glad you are enjoying your jelly beans!

    Have a great week!

  5. Oh, my goodness. This was a refreshing post. I loved the daffodils. Your pictures are always so much fun.

  6. Ummm... I think you forgot your "State of the Bug" picture this week!

    Beautiful flowers and some great shots of animals, as always.

  7. As always I love your bird pictures. The moon was awesome. What size lens are you guys using. I cannot seem to get that look. I loved your flowers. I felt I could reach out and touch them.

  8. StillMagnolia: that was taken with a 55-200mm zoom at 200mm, film speed set at 200, shutter speed at 200, not sure about aperture. The image was then cropped to enlarge the moon. The trick is fast shutter speed, as the moon is reflecting a lot of light and invariably tricks the camera's light sensor.

  9. Glad you showed up, Bug. Was missing you.
    RaD, I took the cousin pic to be the State of the Bug--happy, enjoying cuz-friend time!
    Oh, the daffs, look like my wide varieties, when they do show up. I saw they are about 4" above ground!
    We are headed to NC, the Cove, 24-26th.
    Bug, your poem post would not open. I want to get my daughter involved in the Poetry Bus circle.

  10. Rita - good save on the State of the Bug :)

    I think I've fixed the link. I actually participate in two poetry memes - the Poetry Bus and Magpie Tales. If you look at the list of tags on my sidebar you'll see them listed.

  11. What a wonderful assortment of stuff from Robin!

    I'm so jealous of your flower pics. We just got a dusting of snow here in Michigan last night :(

    Hugs & love,

  12. loving all of the pics this week! Great flower shots and that salad looks delish! Hope you enjoyed your vaca...we are on spring break this week and spending a few days in cali! Hope you have a great week

  13. I miss Spring in the U.S.! Your photos did such a great job letting me enjoying it vicariously :)

    Boo hiss on meetings during Spring break. Should be a law against 'em or something :) Actually I don't like meetings, period. But ESPECIALLY don't like 'em when they're held during Spring break. lol

  14. So jealous of your spring. Love that you called that bird a customer :)that salad does look good and the moon shot is gorgeous.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...