Tuesday, July 27, 2010

One Shot Wednesday – Thursday at the Free Store

Thursday at the Free Store
Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati

"Shut that baby up!"
And the child cries on.
Mary Justevich sings
her raucous song of life
& the child cries.
"The next time you come,
you leave that baby at home."
And in the wounded eyes
of the mother, I see
her cry:

     There's no one there
                 no one there
                         no one.

January 9, 1986

This poem is part of One Stop Poetry's One Shot Wednesday poetry gathering, where all poets are welcome to share. Make the rounds – it will no doubt be fascinating!


  1. I M teary too..touched! i feel for that mom..and i know life is mostly unfair,you put it very well! powerful and expressive,brilliant i might add..:)

  2. oh dang...real and raw...tight.

    thanks for linking up with oneshot!

  3. My heart aches...let's hope the baby can break the cycle of poverty and despair.

  4. So very touching and heartfelt!! Thanks for sharing this...awesome writing. ~ Amanda

  5. Vivid slice of life in your poetic piece; your lines evoke sympathy through the clear scene. Enjoyed reading it! thanks

  6. Awww! Poor baby! and poor Mama!

    I could see it all so clearly - wonderful poem!

  7. Oh god that was painful and raw
    Really kudos to you for writing this

  8. It's always the mothers who suffer. I feel for her. :(

  9. you really just put it out there!
    well done.
    as Brian said, "raw."


  10. Capsule that captures the raw moment and the back story. I do poetry for fun rather than publication so for this week only, I’ve nervously posted an example from each of my blogs: an Elegy from Scribbles and Diversions, a Gogyohka from Random Twitter Stories, and free verse poem from Random Short Stories.

  11. Oh, wow! Who's saying, "Shut that baby up!"? (Is it the partner?)

    Wow. Don't you hate to overhear those conversations? I heard one yesterday afternoon - it was just a young woman mouthing off to her boyfriend? husband? - bitching at him, just being nasty for no reason and little tot in the stroller, taking it all in.

    Really well expressed. Touches a nerve, that's for sure.


    P.S. Thanks so much for ordering my book! I'm delighted to know you'll have a copy.

  12. sounds like real life to me....

  13. Endearingly beautiful, Dana. You know how to express tangible emotion. This is a wonderful poem.

  14. There is such desperation in this piece. It just broke my heart.

  15. that was a good one The Bug...
    and so sad

  16. You really delivered the feeling with this one. One Shots are fun.

  17. Brings back memories. Enjoy your blog.Thanks - Bill

  18. Life can be cruel to mothers and babies. touching poem.


  19. Oh dang!! That's heartbreaking...
    Very sad..but in a few words, you've said it all.. a powerful one shot!

  20. There is that well placed there is no one

    This was a great piece for all the mothers out there who are misunderstood

    thanks for being part of 1 Shot

  21. been away for a week and catching up..that was raw but so true..so many mothers have been there yet feel so alone..thanks for sharing with One Shot..cheers Pete


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