Friday, May 20, 2011

Wherein the Bug Reaches DEEP Into the Archives...

Chris at Enchanted Oak is in charge of the Poetry Jam this week (the cook, as it were) and has given us the following prompts:

1) Write a poem about Father, fatherland, daddy dearest, your experience of fatherhood, the father you never had, your father or your own fatherhood, or the father of your children, or the father of your father, or your Heavenly Father, or go father afield and do what you will with the notion of fathers. 

2) Write a honky-tonk song. Wikipedia's discussion of honky-tonk music is here.

I chose the first prompt, and I have such a treat for you guys! I found this gem when I was visiting my dad in March and I've just been waiting for the perfect moment to share it. Enjoy! (Click on the pictures to make them larger)

Daddy I have a surprise for YOU!

For a Happy Birthday to you
This is a poem just for two
Get me up when you please
and maybe give me a little cheese
and I will work like 35 Elves
on Saturday until twelves

Please note the glasses on the little Dana figure on the cover of the card. This places it after 4th grade (which is when I got glasses) and before 8th grade (which is when I got contacts). I'm digging potatoes in the garden, something I hated to do. Also note my brother and his evil laugh while he fishes at our pond. The nerve!

Don't forget to go check out the other (probably more contemporary) poems here!


  1. Your search among the archives turned up positive jewels .... I have a few of those early art projects stored here too ... none as 'advanced' as yours!!

  2. This is great fun! :) Fourth grade... wow.

  3. I love the poem and the fact that you have kept and treasured these little snippets from your past.

  4. I love that your Dad still had this and you found it. I saved things like that also from my kids. Your drawings and writing reminded me so much of my son's work. Priceless!

  5. What Mama Zen said.

    One of the downsides of military family life is that treasures like this often didn't make the 'cut' for moving days.


  6. You're too cute. Or as we are fond of saying in the south, "precious!" Enjoy your time with the fam.

  7. Oh, that's brilliant! The rhymes, the artwork, all of it!

  8. Aren't all brothers evil for a while anyway?

    I'm thrilled you've found and shared this gem with us. You draw just like I do! Was the planting of potatoes an awful chore, and thus a sacrificial offering for Daddy? You sound like you were a very "good girl" indeed!

  9. How sweet was that?!
    Words of childhood.

  10. Oh my word, how FUN! And how precious too. Thanks for sharing with us :)

  11. I just love that your dad still had this. Too sweet!

  12. That's hilarious! I love finding old stuff like that. Interesting rhymes!

  13. This is a true classic of the "found poem" genre! Also just way too cute and adorable!!! I love it.

  14. this is adorable...nauty...smiles. like 35 elves...what a treasure to still have...

  15. This is a priceless find! I like all the names at the end.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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